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ivana lily bardot

ᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔivana lily bardot‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗

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I .

➢ivana lily bardot
name meaning.
➢ivana , god is gracious
➢lily , pure
➢bardot , a small barrel or cask
preferred name.
married name.
➢ivana lily hudson
➢ivy , not just one person calls her this, though she isn't called it all of the time
➢vanie , noah started calling her this a few days after they met
➢ana [pronounced like the princess] , finn will call her this on occasion, he's been doing it since they were kids
➢october 10th
➢waitress at breadstix

II .

➢ivana bardot is perhaps the sweetest human being anyone could ever come across. there's not a bone in her body that could hurt a fly. she can barely stand to even hurt someone's feelings and she beats herself for days if she accidentally says the wrong thing to someone. she treats absolutely everyone the way she wants to be treated, though she knows she can't expect people to act the same back to her. she's such a gentle and kind person to others, always making it known that she's there for them.

ivana possibly puts everyone before herself, making sure that she's able to help or just listen to them. she has trouble saying no to others when they ask something of her. the bottom line is, she's a people pleaser. even if it means she's the unhappy one in the end. she just wants others to be smiling and happy, even at the expense of her own happiness.

now, she isn't a quiet person but she also isn't loud nor does she speak her mind all of the time. only when she believes something absolutely needs to be said will she be mean to someone if nothing else is getting through their head. she is, however, very soft spoken and hardly ever raises her voice at other people. her quietness stems from the feeling of not being appreciated and not being showed that she means something to others.

the woman dreams big, like seriously dreams big. she doesn't have her entire life mapped out, but she is extremely ambitious and determined and will do just about anything to reach her goals. she is a dedicated and passionate young woman, this often shows through her love for her close friends and family or through her musical abilities.

the dirty blonde is loyal to a fault. her friends and family are her top priority, always. she would never turn on her friends. she would never do something to hurt her friends. ivana is careful with her words and actions, always showing people how they should be treated.. most of the time even when she isn't treated like a human being. and that she can take, but if someone were mean to her friends, she'd do her best and stand up for them as quickly as possible.

REID , fandom oc bookWhere stories live. Discover now