04 ; iv. ━

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LOVE NOTES© naijmi , hoyoverse

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© naijmi , hoyoverse


dec. 06 , mon.

❝ ━ BEFORE HEADING TO school today, you had made sure that you had enough layers on so that you wouldnt have to leave scaramouche in the cold like that. i mean, you did take his sweater on saturday, you felt pretty guilty as you noticed scaramouche shaking on the way back home, but he insisted that it was "nothing".

though the icy weather from yesterday definitely took a toll on you as you were feeling light headed, but encouraged yourself to go to school anyways as you were excited to open your locker once again knowing that another letter might be placed inside.

the closer you got to entering the school the more clouded your thoughts became, the only thing on your mind was resting. you had been trying your best to not stumble on anything as your vision started to get invaded with colors which was not a good sign.

you had finally reached the building where it was warm and comfortable inside relieving your head a bit. you then walked towards your locker just wanting to get the day over with so that you could rest, you had completely forgot about your motive for coming to school today. it was all for the letter.

the moment you rubbed your eyes a letter with a small gift appeared before you making you rub your eyes again one last time to make sure you saw things right. you opened the little gift wrap that covered the thing beneath, and to your surprise the gift included a mittens with light blue and [fav color] dots. along with the love letter was a additional note.

"hope you like it, i hand knitted them myself this weekend make sure to stay warm okay?"

and with that you were smiling like a idiot at the letter, you then didnt think twice before putting them on. you then brought your hands closer to your face even the scent left you smiling. you were literally jumping up and down on your tiptoes.

"[name]?" you hear a voice call out to you from behind you making you turn your back immediately. "oh! hi kuni didnt see you there!" you say so nervously as the thought of him maybe noticing you was slowly getting to your mind resulting in your headache to get progressively worse.

"what? worried id see something?" scaramouche says leaning in closer, embarrassing [name] even more than he already was. "no of course not!" [name] forces out not making a single move as it felt like he was frozen, and no it was not because of the cold. but as [name] leans back a bit they accidently bump their head on the front of their locker resulting in them groaning in pain.

"[name]? are you alright, it doesnt hurt that badly right? if so lets go to the nurse—" but [name] did not want to worry scaramouche one bit as he had thought that he had already caused to much trouble for him. but in all honesty scaramouche did not mind one bit as long as he was able to see him.

LOVE NOTES ━━  scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now