Calm Before the Storm

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127 ACDragonstone, Blackwater Bay

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127 AC
Dragonstone, Blackwater Bay

"Vanora," someone hisses, startling her awake. She sleepily blinks her eyes open and looks around the room in confusion. "Over here," the same voice says right next to her ear. In the dark, she can barely make out a sheepish Lucerys standing at the side of her bed.

Vanora sits up and rubs her eyes, "Luke? What's wrong?"

He shifts nervously from side to side and Vanora looks at him in concern, "I had a nightmare."

Her gaze softens, "Did you want to talk about it?"

Lucerys shakes his head, "Not really," he hesitates before admitting why he's here, "Mother told me to go back to sleep."

Understanding dawns on Vanora. He must have asked to stay with Rhaenyra and she'd sent him away. Her and Daemon have been trying to 'toughen him up' ever since he turned ten and three. It seemed stupid to Vanora. Even adults needed someone to stay with them every once in a while.

"Do you want to sleep here?"

Lucerys perks up at the offer then deflates when he remembers he's not allowed, "Mother says I'm too old for that."

"Then we just won't tell her," Vanora moves to the side and frees up space beside her, "Come on then," Lucerys is rooted to the spot, biting his lip nervously.

Vanora sighs, "Don't worry. I'll tell her it was my idea if we're caught."

Lucerys sags in relief and wastes no time crawling in beside her. When he finds a comfortable position, Vanora covers him with the blanket, making sure he's warm.

She lies back down and closes her eyes, hoping she can fall back asleep quickly. That plan goes out the window when Lucerys begins shifting around restlessly. Vanora keeps hoping he'll stop soon but Lucerys keeps tossing and turning, moving the bed along with him.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about your dream?"

A long silence passes, and Vanora thinks maybe he's fallen asleep until Lucerys suddenly says, "I was alone."

"Everyone disappeared and it was just me left," a slight quiver in his voice, "Ser Harwin and my father are already gone. I don't want to lose anyone else."

A wave of sympathy washed over Vanora. She knew the feeling well. Taking a deep breath, "No one is around forever," she says gently, "But I can promise to make sure you never feel alone as long as I'm here."

Lucerys is silent but Vanora hears a sniffle. She reaches out in the dark to ruffle his hair, "You can go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

He shifts closer and buries his head in her shoulder. Vanora wraps an arm around his middle. "Love you," Lucerys mumbles so quietly that Vanora almost doesn't hear him. Her eyes widened in surprise. It's the first time he's said that to her since he was a young child, "Love you too."

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