Chapter 17

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Landing with their backs against the large slanted window, the group laugh in exasperation, the children giggling happily as they sit up on the ceiling boards. Topsy lets out one last belly full laugh before taking in a deep breath, chuckling to nobody in particular. She fixes her bright orange hair and adjusts her turban as she sits up, the youngest of the Banks family crowding at her feet. She grins at them.

"Whew, no more am I afraid with zhis point of view."

Mary, having regained her composer much quicker than the rest, watches by the pole of the upside down hanging chandelier. A knowing smile rests on her lips, "Good." Jack gets up to retrieve the royal doultan bowl, handing it over to the eccentric fixer, who takes it with a gentle sigh. As the rest gradually gather themselves, John sits up on the slanted glass next to Topsy.

"Excuse me," He asks for her attention, "but do you have any idea how much our bowl might be worth?" His voice pitches up slighter as he grows eager by the end of his question, gripping onto the thighs of his pants in anticipation of the answer. (Y/N) perks up at his inquiry, having been dusting herself off lightly after Arthur so kindly helped her up, before she sighs to herself. A soft look overtakes her features as she realises what the children's fuss over their mother's bowl was.

Topsy blinks for a moment, pursing her lips as she glances over the bowl, "In money?" She reconfirms, spinning the bowl in her hands as the boy nods. She hums, giving the China a once over, "Mm, not very much, I'm afraid. But, zhat doesn't make it any less beautiful."

John slowly lets go of his trousers, disappointment washing over him, and he glances towards Annabel who shares his look of despair. The young girl speaks up, "Our mother always said it was priceless." The smallest hint of hope ignites within her, willing for more to come out of their visit.

Topsy stands up from the slanted window, "Vell, I'm sure it was to her." She nods assuredly. The two children's last light of hope for saving the house is quickly diminished, and Annabel's small hopeful smile falters. John looks at her forlornly. In sensing their change in mood, (Y/N)'s own quickly follows and she steps towards the two for an embrace—only to be swiftly stopped as an arm is placed in front of her. Arthur glances at her, shaking his head softly before gently gripping her arms and pulling her a step back, and hugging her reassuringly from the side. (Y/N)'s brow furrows and she nearly makes an attempt to berate him before pausing, glancing towards her two conflicted siblings. She sighs quietly, tense shoulders growing slack as she leans against Arthur. They have to learn somehow.

And how will they if she keeps stepping in to coddle them?

But still, it hurts her heart having to stand back and let them weep and wallow.

Topsy quickly changes the topic, "Mary Poppins is right, for once," she traces her slightly calloused fingertips over the edge and the drawing of the doultan bowl, "it is all in zhe way that you look at things." She looks up at the said woman, a fond look in her electric eyes. A warm smile rests on Mary's lips.

"Thank you, cousin." The two older women share a familiar look, putting aside their childlike banter for the meantime. The nanny glances off to the side, "now, come along, children. Get your hats."

As she makes haste towards the upside down doorway, Topsy nods thankfully towards her visitors, "And don't you worry about Mother's bowl." She assures, giving the item a loving pat to reassure the family that the bowl of China rests safe in her hands, "I will fix and make perfect for you," she grins cheekily, "so you come back, maybe, next second Wednesday?" The children grin back at her.

"Yes, spit spot," Mary ushers, the Banks children quickly doing as told. Jack sits up from his place on the slanted, upside down window.

"Nice meet in' you, Topsy Turvy," He gives a boyish grin, tilting his cap at her before following the others.

The eccentric woman chuckles to herself at the name, "...Topsy Turvy," she grins, "I like. It's catchy..." The group make their way up the line of dressers and shelves they previously used as stairs to get down onto the ceiling, Arthur keeping a hand out for their eldest Banks daughter just in case. Just as the two make it to the doorway, Topsy suddenly perks up.

"Oh! And (Y/N), dahling?" The young girl spins around, Arthur's hand by her waist as he had panicked at her sudden movements.


Topsy gives her a mischievous smile, though her eyes are nothing but sincere, "You have grown up so much since I have last seen you. A lovely one you are, yes. Do come and visit more often, hm?" The young female blinks, confused by her words. She isn't left much time to ponder on it before she's whisked away by Arthur after Ms Poppins' impatient call. Topsy chuckles to herself after they leave, "Ah," she sighs, "vhat a lovely couple... Vlad could learn a thing or two from zhem. Hm."

"Now what do we do?" Annabel whispers to John in alarm, the two tailing the rest of the group as they leave the alleyway of Topsy's fix it shop.

"I have no idea," The boy mutters back, a desperate and hopeless look in his eyes. His resolve was quickly fading. But the two were not out of ideas yet.

"Well," Annabel starts, "like Topsy said, maybe we should start looking at things differently—" she spots abruptly at the sound of creaking and clanking from behind them. The rest of the group stop and stare at the entryway to Topsy's shop, smoke and fog mixing together as it seems the inside of the building shifts.

"Oh marvellous," Mary pipes up casually, "it looks like things are starting to turn around for my cousin." She eyes the creaky doorway up and down before turning on her heel and swiftly continuing on her way. John can't seem to take his attention away from it, disbelief still coursing through him, it's not until Annabel gives him a wack on the shoulder that he turns around and rushes to catch up with the group.

Don't worry, more coming soon!

I hope you enjoyed!
(Not edited)
1101 words

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