Knock Knock

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👇Present : Back to hotel 👇

Mihno... Still stuck at the same spot in the mini balcony not ready to move. He kept looking at the closed next door. He was so immersed admiring the pretty boy, he just could not come to agreement with the fact that his most beautiful view was now out of site. 

He wanted to look at that beautiful face again... he wanted to run his fingers through those pink locks... he wanted to squeeze those cute plum cheeks.. he wanted to embrace that tiny waist in his arms .... he wanted to see him again .... he wanted to know who he was ... he wanted to keep that boy in his pocket and not let his go anywhere so that he could feel this happy again and again everyday. 


He looked at me like I was some stalker and walked inside hurriedly to avoid my uncomfortable stare. How do I tell him that he is :
"My Crush at first sight"
"My Love at first sight"
"My Happiness at first"

Drop ... Drop ... Drop 

A few rain drops fell on Minho's cheeks bringing him out of the rail of thoughts noticing it was already dark outside and had started to rain. He wondered how long had he been standing there lost in his thoughts..

Walking back inside his room and closing the boor behind.. he sunk on the yellow arm chair smiling like a mad man remembering the cute boy he had seen some time back......

But his thoughts were disturbed by someone talking loudly.. he took that hint that it was coming from the corridors or room further on left  .. 


Instead of whining about the thin walls, he got excited and went straight to wall connecting his room and the pink haired boy's room. Pressing his ears to the wall hoping to hear something not really sure what... anything just anything related to the boy could make him happy -- voice , footsteps.. Caring the least about looking absolutely crazy ..🤪 Minho continued to press his ears to the wall. .

(was he the same cold disinterested Lee Minho he was some hours ago ??)  

Sadly there was nothing.. no sound .. maybe he is sleeping .. ?

Disappointed Minho turned and rested his back to the wall sitting on the floor pulling those magazines on the coffee table to kill time as he knew there was no way he could get sleep now .. his body had rested well with his longest nap in years adding to it, his heart was delighted and excited beyond words...

He was flipping pages of the last magazine in hand about to close... His eyes and mouth fell open widely looking at the article in the book ...


A young budding photographer making it to the top with his yet another win at the international photography competition this year.
His excellent ability to capture the moment with the click of a button is impeccable.. check out his award winning picture below:

 check out his award winning picture below:

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