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👇Present : Hotel lobby outside Minho Han's room👇

Hanwith a husky voice said "Who is it ?" 

Minho stopped moving hearing the boy... hesitated a bit before appearing in his line of sight.. Taking a step forward now in front of Han who was looking puffy with disheveled hair and the way he clung on to the pillow.. older could barely breath... his heart yodeling away admiring the younger boys cuteness..  How can one look this cute when they are sleep drunk ?

Han: When Minho didn't say anything .. clearing his throat  .. can I help you with something ... ?? 

Bringing Minho back to his senses... trying hard not to say something stupid or creepy that would scare the pretty boy away ... his brain was racing in full speed to come up with something smart , anything intelligent..... but... all he got was  "Uh... mmm... that ... uhh ... i ... You ....  "

Han waited... blinking his eyes .... patiently  

Minho: Umm... I... I am .. I am in the next room...  thunderstorm outside.. ahh... scared.. alone (pointing his finger back and forth between Han and himself)  

Han: took a moment to react... "Ahhh... you are scared of thunderstorm? that makes two of us .. he said with a tiny smile.. As we both are panicky I guess we can keep each other company until it settles .. You wanna come in ?? 

Even with all the brain work .. Minho ended up making him look like he was the one who was scared.. but it didn't matter at all.. as he got invited inside Han's room.. . he kept nodding and saying thankyou ...

Han: Walking in.. fixing his hair .. throwing the pillow back on bed .. I'm Han Jisung... 

Minho: Hello .. I'm Lee Minho... 

Minho stood inside the room .. his heart screaming ME and PRETTY BOY .. SAME ROOM .. WOW... 

Han gestured Minho towards bed to have a seat while moving in the same direction... Minho was a bit hesitant .. Han patted the place next to where he sat on the bed again .. 

Han: come on ... its okay ..I know its weird to show our vulnerabilities to a complete stranger.. but don't you think its kind of cool to get to know someone new for as random as a reason as  thunderstorm...??  smiled sweetly .. 

Minho melted at the sweetness of his smile ... 

Minho: Thank you .. sorry to bother you ...(thinking how sweet his voice is .. sweeter then sugar)

Minho walked slowly and sat himself next to Han.. 

Exchanging what they do for living .. where Minho trying his best not to look all flustered and red .. He had no idea how to start a conversation after the general pleasantries as all he usually did was talk about work with others and his only non work conversations were with Felix that were too brain-less to get reference from.. plus these days their conversations were filled with Felix talking non-stop about models, their tantrums, his assignments, photoshoots.. of course majorly about his crush on a senior model..  

Han: seeing the other struggling to talk .. being the sweet extrovert said .. should we watch TV ? 

Minho: yes ,.. yes.. that would be good ... 

Han turned on the TV.. and continued to flip channels ..not finding anything fun to watch. 

Minho: mustering up all the courage ... Do you always get scared from the thunder sound? 

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