Chapter One | Castaway

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Something felt strange in the pit of my stomach as I walked home. I'm not sure why, but I had the feeling something was going to happen. I pushed my thoughts aside as I focused on the music playing in my ears. Recently I've been revisiting one of my favorite bands, Motionless In White. To say the least, my family members weren't pleased. They didn't like the music I did and I found myself misunderstood most of the time.

But I guess that's expected when you grow up in a small town. Especially when you don't think within society's norms. When I reached the house I saw my uncle Mike's car in the driveway. 'I guess they decided to come and visit.' I thought ad I took my keys out of my pocket. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. After closing it and locking it behind me, I walked upstairs to my room. "Lilly, could you come downstairs for a moment?" I heard my mom say. I wondered what she wanted to talk about.

'Maybe she just wants me to socialize.' I thought as I walked downstairs. When I entered the living room I was a little overwhelmed. Both of my uncles, great uncle, and my aunt were sitting in the living room. "Oh, hi. I wasn't expecting all of you to be here." I said with a small smile. I was actually happy to see them since they haven't been over in a long time. "Lilly, have a seat." My mom said, gesturing to a nearby chair. The tone of her voice filled me with dread and anxiety.

"What's up?" I asked curiously after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. "We've been taking, and we think it's best that you go away for the summer." My mom said. "Just so you can meet new people and make friends." My uncle Mike said. "And maybe get some religion into your lifestyle." I heard my great uncle mumble. I groaned internally at his comment. My family have been attempting to force religion upon me since forever. But... when my dad died they reinforced thier efforts.

"Let me guess.... you want me to go to a religious summer camp?" I asked. "Yes, but only for the summer. Here's a brochure explaining everything they offer." My mom said, handing it to me. The color scheme was mostly red and white with accents of black and gold. I glanced over the brochure. The activities didn't sound half bad, but there was one thing that soured my opinion of the place. It was the fact that it was a religious camp for troubled and wayward souls. "We think you going there will do you some good." My aunt said.

I had to fight the urge not to roll my eyes. I would have told them that I wasn't going. That they could shove thier religious beliefs up thier collective asses. The only reason I didn't was because I knew I didn't have a choice. Although I'm an adult they still view me as a child, and they would force me to go. 'I could just sneak out after arriving at the camp.' I thought as they continued to talk. That night I went to my room after eating dinner. I put it off as if I had to pack my things.

The first day of the camp was tomorrow after all. I wanted them to think that I was actually interested in going. That way they wouldn't suspect me of skipping out on the whole thing. I listened to music as I packed my things. I made sure to take my CDs, CD player, and a large pack of batteries. I had a feeling there wouldn't be any cellphone service or internet access at the camp. As I looked through my CDs I smiled when I came across two of my favorites. Both by the same artist.

I switched out my Motionless In White for Barns Courtney. I laid there on my bed and listened to his album Attractions of Youth. "I hope you can get me through this like everything else." I said softly. Referring to the many times his music has helped me through the years. I went back to packing and then took a long shower. Around midnight I eventually got ready for bed.

• • •

The next morning my alarm clock woke me up. I groaned as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. "Shit." I said through a yawn. I felt so damn tired. It took me a long time to actually fall asleep last night. I didn't sleep very well either. I was just glad that I decided to take a shower last night instead of this morning. I shut my alarm clock off and stretched a little. After a few minutes I eventually got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

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