Chapter Fourteen | Back in the Habit

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Over the span of six months Barns had started posting on Instagram. He made a few hints to new music, although it was the album he made while he was running the camp. But no one else knew that except for me. I was so excited for more people to hear it. Especially since it was an amazing work of art. Barns texted and called me often, which was nice. I missed him like crazy, and he said he missed me too.

It made been a year and a half since we left that camp behind us. But we weren't able to meet in person because he was so busy. He was starting up his career again and helping out his friends. So when he announced that he was going on tour, I made sure to buy tickets. "Are you ready to go?" Baily asked me curiously. "Yeah, I'm ready." I replied. Baily, Eva, and I crossed paths as well. I got a part time job at a bookstore, and they both worked at a nearby coffeeshop. A coffeeshop I frequented.

And after a while we became friends. It was odd for me to have to become friends with them all over again. It didn't take long for the friendship to be rekindled though. Apparently they both had a feeling they had met me before, but didn't know where. I didn't tell them that I knew why. They had became Barns Courtney fans thanks to me. I was happy that they didn't remember me or Barns. It meant that the spell Barns casted had worked. All three of us were going to see him that night in concert.

I was so excited and happy to see him again. Baily drove us to the hotel we booked for the show. It felt like the day took forever, but eventually it was time for the concert. It was absolutely insane! It was clear that Barns really was born to perform. I was so happy that he decided to get back into the music scene. At the end of the show we got to go backstage. Not only because we had VIP badges, but because Barns asked security to take me backstage. We we were taken to a spot away from the other fans. "Why did we get sent to a private room?" Eva asked curiously.

"Who knows. Lilly bought the tickets for us." Bailey replied. A few moments passed before the door opened. Barns walked in and he smiled when he saw me. "Hey, baby. I've missed you so much." He said as he walked over to me. We kissed for a little while before hugging each other tightly. When we broke the hug I turned to see my friends with their mouths open in shock. It was quite comical. "When the hell were you going to tell us he's your boyfriend?!?" Baily asked. Eva was absolutely speechless.

Barns smiled and laughed softly. I introduced them even though Barns knew who they were. As we talked Henry came in and we hugged. It felt so good to be back with my best friends again. I had high hopes for the foreseeable future. And not just because I had taught myself the art of divination either.

The End

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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