Chapter Twelve | Two Is Better Than One

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"Why have you been missing the after dinner activities?" Baily asked me curiously as we ate breakfast. "Yeah, is something wrong?" Eva asked. They both had concerned expressions on thier faces. "Oh, no. I forgot to tell you that Barns changed the times of my lessons. I'm sorry about that." I said, feeling guilty for lying. Actually, Barns had cancelled all of his lessons with me. He didn't want Malik to some how get to me through him. Especially since meditation requires vulnerability.

So after dinner with the help of Henry, I've been entering the astral plane on my own. Agam and Sam had been supplying me with tea ingredients when I need them. The three of them have became sort of my support system. Barns started sleeping at my cabin during the night. He didn't put it past Malik to try and kill him. Especially since he didn't want to go through with his plans. I suspect that Malik had became jealous of Barns. He not only had good looks, but could be charming and charismatic.

Perhaps after Malik began the rituals, Barns took his silver tongue. Because it was Malik's charm that convinced Barns to do all of this in the first place. And Malik didn't seem charming anymore, at least not my eyes. "Oh. That makes sense." Eva said, taking me out of my thoughts. We made small talk and I drank three cups of coffee. I was awake most of the night reading books. Luckily my long hours of research paid off. I found something that might help us. I hoped that I was able to do it tonight.

I just needed Barns, and luckily he sleeps in the same bed as me. I went along with me day as usual. I spent time with my friends during the activities and meal times. I skipped the activity that was after dinner though. I needed to get more tea ingredients from Agam. He had them prepared and ready when I walked through the door. "Have you heard anything about Malik?" Henry asked him curiously.

"No, but we have people out looking for him. I doubt we'll be able to find him." Agam replied. "He's more of a man to stay hidden unless he wants to be seen." Henry agreed. I thanked Agam for the ingredients. I let them talk about thier efforts. Apparently Barns told the staff to protect the camp goers. I was glad that he cared about everyone. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to everyone. What would happen to his followers once everything came to an end?

Sam entering the building took me out of my thoughts. We all talked for a little while before leaving. "I hope you know what you're doing. This makes me nervous." Henry said as the two of us walked to my cabin. "I'm nervous too, but I did lots of research." I said confidently. I wasn't a hundred percent sure this would work, but I had to try. No one knew what I was doing though, now even Henry. I couldn't risk anyone finding out what I knew. So I kept my thoughts and discoveries to myself.

When we reached my cabin I took a quick shower. I changed into my pajamas and did more reading. Henry was there to just keep me safe. He glanced out of the window multiple times. When he wasn't doing that he was reading a book. A mystery novel I convinced him to start reading. It made me happy that he was enjoying it. Eventually I made the tea I make to enter the astral plane. I also made Henry some coffee. He and Sam were night watch men for my cabin.

I felt sorry for Henry, especially since he's busy all the time. He barely gets any rest; only a few hours when another staff member takes his place. When I finished my tea Barns showed up. He looked absolutely exhausted. There were dark circles under his eyes. "Hey, come here." I said softly as he sat down on the couch with me. Once he was seated I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his cheek and snuggled into his side.

"You're wearing yourself out." I said before I decided to play with his hair. "I know, but I have to find out where Malik ran off to. He hasn't been seen for weeks. He's planning something, and it's not going to be pretty." He said before yawning. "Why don't you go take a long shower? We can have an early night." I said, looking into his tired blue eyes. "That sounds wonderful." He said with a deep sigh. I kissed his lips and he kissed me back lovingly.

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