Chapter Seven | Secrets in the Cellar

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Weeks had passed since I heard Barns's new music. I made sure to tell him how much I love it. He seemed so happy when I told him that. The more time we spent today The stronger my feelings got for him. I would have said something, but I was too shy. Plus, I wasn't sure if he felt the same way. So kept quiet. The summer heat carried strong through June and into July.

I was so glad that the cabins actually had air-conditioning. If they didn't I would have felt absolutely miserable. I was also thankful that I didn't have to hear people talk shit about me. Oddly enough the ones who had hadn't returned to the activities. I didn't even see them at meal times. I wondered if they did something to get kicked out. "Are you excited about the super blood moon tonight?" Baily asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. I'm actually excited to see a blood moon. Especially since that's how this place got it's name." I replied with a small smile. "Yeah, me too. I bet it looks beautiful reflected into the lake." She said. The two of us were currently on a walk with the other new members. After the walk we got a little free time once the after dinner activity was over. Baily went off with her new girlfriend. I decided to go to my cabin. On the way there someone jumped me from behind.

I was knocked down on the ground hard. I felt my skin scrape against the paved path. My body hurt in several places, and I felt so confused. Anxiety mixed with adrenaline in my stomach. Then I was suddenly being punched and kicked. "This is what you deserve you bitch! Barnaby is mine and you won't take him away from me!!" A female voice screamed. I held my arms up in defence, just wanting it to end.

"Hey! Stop that right now!" A male voice yelled. I heard running footsteps coming in my direction. A few minutes later the punches and kicks faded away. I laid there clutched my stomach. I groaned in pain. Everything hurt. "Come here, let's get you some medical attention." Another voice said. Two staff members helped me to my feet. They took me to Barns's cabin. I was taken into a large bathroom, which I sit on the toilet lid. One of the staff members stood there with me.

A few minutes passed before the door practically burst open. Barns came in looking worried and panicked. "What happened?" He asked curiously. "I saw Kimberly Dent punching and kicking her." One of the staff members replied. Barns said that he could attend to my injuries alone, dismissing his staff. I thanked them for helping me before they left us. Barns closed the door behind them. "Tell me exactly what happened." He said as he opened a cabinet.

I told him how I was jumped from behind and knocked down. I even told him what the girl was screaming while she beat me up. Anger mixed with the sympathy and worry that was in his eyes. He garbage a bunch of stuff and sat it out on the sink. I showed him my scrapes. He wiped them with alcohol swabs, which burned. Then he applied healing ointment before adding a bandaid. I blushed when I had to show him my torso. Bruising was already starting to be visible.

But he was respectful and kind about the whole thing. "Come here." He said softly as he helped me stand up. He gently wrapped his arms around me and is snuggled into his chest. "You didn't deserve any of this. I promise it won't happen again." He said as he rubbed my back a little. He took my hand and lead me out of the bathroom. "Do you think you can walk upstairs?" He asked curiously. "I think so." I replied. We slowly walked upstairs and he opened a door.

I realized he had lead me into a bedroom. A large bed was in there along with bedside tables. A dresser and whatnot. It looked like a luxurious room. He helped me sit on the bed before he opened the dresser. Then he handed me a pair of pajamas. "You can change into these. I'll go make us some tea. If you need anything, just yell okay?" He said. I said okay before he left. I slowly changed into the pajamas he gave me. I made sure to be careful I didn't fall down. Once I was changed I sat and waited.

Barns returned with the tea. "You can stay here tonight. I don't want anyone to know you aren't sleeping in your cabin." He said as he sat the tea tray on a nightstand. "Okay." I replied. "You can get comfortable in the bed if you want." He said as he poured the tea. I thanked him and got comfortable under the covers. "Wait... I'm going to miss the super blood moon." I said in a disappointed tone. He smiled as he handed me my cup of tea. Then he walked over to the window.

He quickly opened the thick curtains. The large window had a wonderful view of the lake and the sky. "You won't miss a think, sweetheart. Not from here anyway." He said as he returned to the bedside. He actually got into the bed next to me, but he didn't get too close. We sipped out tea and looked out of the window together. After drinking my tea I sat my cup aside. I moved a little and winced in pain. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked curiously. He kissed the bandaged wounds on my hands and arms.

"My body is just sore." I replied. "Come here." He said softly. We met in the middle of the bed. He gently wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him and he held me close. He gently rubbed my sides where I was feeling sore. I felt so safe with him. As he rubbed my sides the soreness went away a little. When the blood moon happened it lit up the entire outside. It was so beautiful. "Barns?" I said in a questioning tone. He hummed in a questioning response.

"Why are you so... sweet to me? I mean... you don't treat me like everyone else." I said softly. He looked at me and studied my face for a moment. "Because your different. When I meditate with you... well... I've never felt that way before." He said softly, rubbing my sides more. He gently kissed my forehead and my insides melted. I gently tightened my arms around him and he did the same to me. Being careful not to hurt my sore spots. We cuddled and I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up snuggled in someone's arms I melted. Remembering that I was safe in Barns's arms. "Good morning." He said in a cute morning voice. "Good morning." I replied. "How are you feeling?" He asked me curiously. "A little sore, but a lot better." I said with a small smile. I noticed that he looked a little different. His skin was glowing and his eyes had a fiery glow in them. I could tell he was feeling tired though.

I made a move to get out of bed, but he stopped me. "Be careful." He said softly as he quickly got up to help. "It's okay. I'm not as sore anymore." I said softly. "Can I see your bruises?" He asked softly. I shyly pulled my shirt up and blushed as he looked. "They look bad, but they'll heal." He said softly. "Let me fill the bathtub. A long soak in some hot water will do you some good." He said as he walked towards the bathroom. While I soaked and washed a little, he went to get us some breakfast.

I noticed that my scrapes were completely healed. He was right, the bruises looked very bad. When I was finished I dried off and got dressed. It looked like Barns had one of the staff members to bring some of my clothes. When I walked out of the bedroom I went downstairs. But I didn't know if there was a living room or not. I ended up picking a random door. I heard people talking down a spiral stairway. 'Maybe they can help me.' I thought as I walked down.

"What will be do with the body? The usual spot is almost filled up." A man with a gruff voice said. "We'll just have to find a different spot then. Help me take Kim's body down the passage." A man with a British accent said. "Who cares what her name was. She's worm food now." The man with the gruff voice said, followed by a cackle. I quickly and quietly went back upstairs. I closed the door behind me and ran back to the bedroom. My legs felt so sore, but I tried to ignore the pain.

I didn't want anyone to know what I just heard. It was clear that someone was killing camp goers. Probably everyone who had disappeared had been murdered. I wondered if Barns knew or not. It made me nervous, and I hoped Barns didn't notice. I sat on the bed and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. When Barns came into the room he had food with him.

As soon as he saw me his smile fell. "Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." He said as he sat the food down. He sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm okay. I guess it's just the soreness getting to me a little." I replied, and he gently rubbed my back. I felt so safe with him. I hated even thinking he was involved with what I overheard. And I desperately hoped he didn't have anything to do with it.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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