Chapter Six | Supernatural

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Once the week ended, everything was back to normal. Barns did change our lessons to the original schedule. I was so thankful for that. He didn't make me enter the astral plane either. Mostly because he was afraid that something bad would happen. We did other meditations to help heal what had been damaged if anything was. The lessons were a lot more pleasant. Some times we spent half of our lessons just talking.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Lilly. I've missed going to the activities with you." Baily said as we ate breakfast together. "Honestly, I've missed it too." I replied. Although I didn't miss the other camp members glaring at me. Apparently they were miffed that I got a "vacation" lessons and stuff. If they knew it was for my health they might have a different opinion. I pushed my thoughts aside after I finished breakfast. Baily and I left to attend the first activity.

I kept hearing people murmuring about me. It gave me anxiety and I wished that I didn't hear them. "They're just jealous fools, Lilly. Don't pay attention to them." Baily said as we sat down to eat lunch. "Yeah, but I wish they knew I wasn't... the teacher's pet." I replied. "Well... you kinda are. But I understand what you're trying to day." She said with a small laugh. I blushed a little when she said that I am the teacher's pet. "Wait... you... you think that to?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, but I'm not mad about it. He clearly likes you more than the rest of us." She winked, and I rolled my eyes. Then we both laughed a little. "I just think it's because we talk a lot. I don't know." I said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. She said that he talks to her too, but there isn't much of a connection between them. She even admitted to not advancing in meditation much. I offered to help her, but not just yet. I was still recovering after all.

Once lunch was over I had to go to a few activities without Baily. The whole time I was nervous and anxious. "She's such a slacker. I don't know why he favors her so much." One person said. "Maybe he just feels sorry for her. You know, like a charity case." Someone replied. As they kept talking about me, they insulted the way I dress. Along with a few other things. It just made me wanna disappear. On one hand I wanted to leave.

On the other I didn't want to, because I would miss Barns. As I walked to my lesson, I tried pushing my thoughts away. But I couldn't stop thinking about what they had said. I was lead into the meditation room by a staff member. He asked me how I was like always. I said I was okay even though it was a lie. After he left I got comfortable amongst the pillows. A few moments passed before Barns walked in. He had red eyeshadow on. Red lipstick was perfectly applied to his plump lips.

"How are you feeling?" He asked curiously. Sympathy in his blue eyes. "I'm okay." I replied. We talked for a while before he started our lesson. I tried to meditate with him, but I just couldn't. There was just too much going on in my head. It didn't take him long to realize that. "Hey, is there something on your mind?" He asked curiously. He gently took my wrist and rubbed a pressure point.

It was a way to relive anxiety. "Is there something wrong with my sweet sugar sailor?" He asked and my heart skipped a beat. His eyes met mine for a brief moment. Then he moved closer to me. "You can tell me anything... it can be our little secret if you want it to be." He said softly next to my ear. My heart beat quickened and I felt myself blush. Goosebumps spread across my body when I felt his warm breath against my skin. His grip on my wrist gently tightened as he moved away a little.

When our eyes met his pupils were dilated. There was a look in them that made me blush a little more. I told him what the others had been saying about me. "Don't pay attention to them, Lilly. What they think or say about you doesn't matter. You have so much worth and purpose." He said softly before brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. He gently brushed my cheek with his thumb. It made my heart skip another beat. His touch felt so... magical.

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