Chapter Three | The First Teachings

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I was in the cafeteria eating lunch after this mornings activities. Our group played some games to get to know each other. It really felt like character building aspects of a camp. I wasn't really into it, but maybe that's because I don't like to open up to too many people. A few members of our group were pulled aside this morning. Apparently they had started thier one on one lessons with Barns.

"I'm looking forward to tonight. It's open mic night." Baily said, taking me out of my thoughts. "Are you going to perform anything?" I asked curiously. "Maybe. I've been working on a song that I'm really proud of. What about you?" She replied. "Absolutely not! I have severe stage fright." I said with a small laugh. "Oh no. That's the worst." She said. She told me about one of her friends back home who has stage fright. Apparently he ended up vomiting in thier history class when he was giving a presentation.

I spotted Barns walk in with two velvet robed men. He seemed as if he were looking for someone. I looked down at my plate and finished off my lunch. When I looked up again a rush of anxiety filled my stomach. Barns was looking at me and was heading in my direction. I noticed that he was wearing a different outfit. He had a white jacket on with black graffiti. Gold was on the shoulders on the jacket as well. A lacy shirt underneath and what looked like baseball player pants. White leather boots were on his feet just like the other time I've seen him.

"Lilly... Baily." He said once he reached our table. We said our hellos and made small talk. I could tell that Baily was feeling nervous like I was. "Both of you will be starting your lessons with me this afternoon. Baily will be first." Barns said as he handed us a sheet of paper with our lesson schedule. We both glanced over it for a second before looking back up to him. "I like your shirt and your jewelry." He said to me, which made me feel awkward. I always feel awkward when people complement me.

"Oh, thanks. I really like your outfit today. You look so cool. Not... um... not that you didn't look cool in your white suit. I mean... you know what I mean." I rambled shyly and awkwardly. I felt so embarrassed it physically hurt. His blue eyes sparkled and stood out against his red eyeshadow. A smile tugged at the corners of his plump red lips. "Thank you. I thought that maybe my outfit was a little too much, but you made me feel more confident about it." He said as his smile grew. "Confident? You exude so much confidence I can almost taste it. " I replied with a small laugh.

He giggled adorably, and I smiled like an idiot. It made me feel warm inside because I made him laugh. "I'm really looking forward to speaking to you later. Uh, to both of you." He added the last part quickly. He shifted his eyes awkwardly between Baily and I before saying his goodbyes. After he left I looked around to see a few people staring at me. It made me uncomfortable, because they looked a little pissed off. I looked down and wished I could hide. "What was that?" Baily asked with a smile.

"What was what?" I asked shyly. I felt nervous. "You two were flirting!" She whisper yelled. "What?! You call that flirting?! That's me not knowing how to interact with people." I replied with a small laugh. She laughed too, and didn't mention anything more about it. When lunch was over we left the cafeteria. She went on to her lesson with Barns. I went to the next event. It felt strange not having Baily there to talk to. I kinda just kept to myself the whole time. Not that the other people weren't nice.

I just didn't feel comfortable talking to them. Plus a few gave me uncomfortable looks. I don't think they liked the way Barns and I had been chatting at lunch. 'You're probably just overthinking things. They can't be jealous, they don't even know he's a rockstar.' I said inside of my head. Once the event was over a robed man came to collect me. "How are you enjoying your stay with us so far?" He asked me curiously. The two of us were walking along one of the paver roads.

"It has been interesting. I made a new friend which is nice." I replied awkwardly. I really wasn't sure what to say. Mostly because I wasn't there long enough to form a solid opinion. But he seemed pleased with what I had said. "Wonderful! I hope your time here will only improve the longer you stay." He said with a smile. I shyly smiled back. After a while we reached a large cabin off to itself. It was a good ways away from all of the other cabins. He unlocked the front door and lead me inside.

I'm Your Leader | Barns Courtney [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now