Chapter 23

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Jack's POV

He watched his sister's eyes go blank and the slow rise and fall of her chest stop altogether. The tears came faster now as he reached to close your eyes. But Will pushed his hand away, "what you doing?" he shouted frantically.

"I'm sorry Will, she's gone," the words came out of his mouth but he did not want to accept it.

"No," Will said, tears streaming down his face, "No!" he shouted, leaning over her body, bringing it up to his chest as he held her, "you have to come back."

Elizabeth sobbed as she saw her friend's lifeless body in Will's arms. "Elizabeth!" a voice called, "Elizabeth!"

"James?" she called, "James I am here!"

Norrington ran towards Elizabeth wrapping her in a tight embrace, before his eyes fell on your body in Will's arms, his sobs never ceasing.

"I'm so sorry," he said, pulling Elizabeth's head to his chest.

Jack approached Elizabeth and Norrington, tears still stinging his eyes, "did you capture the other pirates?"

Norrington nodded, "most surrendered after the curse was lifted."

Jack nodded. "I am sorry about your sister," Norrington said genuinely, "she was so adamant that she would find you and save you, it looks like she kept her promise."

Jack nodded in thanks as he snuck another glance at you and a new wave of grief overtook him. He gripped at his heart as it felt like someone was pulling it from his chest. Elizabeth noticed and grabbed his shoulders, holding him in comfort.

Norrington spoke again, "I shall inform your crew and supply them with longboats to arrive," he said. There was no response but Elizabeth looked to him and nodded in thanks before Norrington disappeared.


Some time later the crew had gathered in the caves, looking on sadly as Will still clung to your body, his tears coming out in choked sobs.

Norrington brought his men in as well, paying their respects to the fallen captain to whom they owe their lives.

Mr. Gibbs approached Jack and removed his hat with a solemn face, "I'm sorry, Jack, it was such a pleasure getting to know her."

Jack nodded, he had been plagued with waves of grief as he tried to accept what he knew he could not. "What do I do now?" he asked, "how do I move on?"

Gibbs shrugged and handed Jack a flask of rum, "you keep going, however you can."

The crews gathered, each lowering their heads in respect, Will still refused to let go of your body, the grief he felt was overwhelming and his heart felt as though it had been ripped from his chest.

Elizabeth approached Jack, "Norrington offered to preside over a funeral for (Y/N), you need only ask."

Jack looked at Elizabeth sadly, "she should have a Captain's funeral, she was the best one of us all."

"And how does a pirate captain's funeral work?" she asked.

Jack smiled, "a boat where she will lay, gifts given by the crew, and a fiery burial at sea, so she can sail forever."

Elizabeth nodded, "it sounds perfect for her."

Jack nodded, a picture in his mind of his perfect sister, sailing forever as she always wanted. He wiped the tears from his face and approached Will, his head still buried in your chest.

He knelt down, "come on, Mate," he placed a hand on his shoulder, "they want to give her a captain's funeral."

Will shook his head although he refused to look up. "I know how badly it hurts, mate, more than most," Jack whispered, "but it's time to let go, she would want you to."

Will shook his head again, horrible sobs choking his breath. "Come on," Jack pulled on Will, but he refused to let go of your body.

"No!" Will shouted, "I can't lose her!"

Jack kept pulling on Will until he finally let go of your body, "No!" he shouted, reaching out for you, only for your lifeless form to remain limp on the ground. Will continued to scream and cry as Jack held him tightly.

"I know, mate," he said as Will finally relaxed his body and leaned into the comforting embrace, "I know." 

The Sister of Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now