Chapter 12

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"We're here," Esme announced after an hour of driving.

Stifling a yawn, I looked out the window to see Esme pulling into a driveway that led to a magnificent mansion. I gasped in amazement. It looked like a castle from out of an 1860's English movie. A beautiful waterfall was on display in the middle of the driveway. My eyes then wandered to the amount of people that were setting up tents and chairs while others were giving orders.

"What's going on?" I asked Esme.

"We're having a celebration," she replied.

"A celebration for what?" I asked as she parked the car and turned it off.

"A celebration for your arrival, of course," Esme smiled as she got out of the car.

"All of this just for my arrival? Is that really necessary?"

Esme pulled my suitcase out of the trunk, "Yes it is. You may not realize it, but you're arrival is very important. As a new witch of the coven, there must be a ceremony. It's tradition."

Esme walked towards the mansion with my suitcase in her hand. I followed after her, and stared back at the people who were giving me curious and puzzled stares.

"What will I have to do at the ceremony?"

"You will have to say a short pledge and shed a drop of blood. After that, you will be apart of our coven."

We both entered the house and I was immediately awestruck by the sheer beauty. A huge, golden chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was decorated with hundreds of crystals that radiated rainbow colors. Ahead of me was a large ballroom where people wandered around as they set up tables and chairs. To my left was a set of stairs with beautiful carvings engraved in them. Everything looked so beautiful.

"Amazing isn't it?" Esme smirked knowingly.

"Yes..." I trailed off, still fascinated at the design of the mansion.

"Oh look. It's my two favorite people," Esme suddenly smiled.

I looked in her direction to see a boy and a girl walking towards us. The girl was gorgeous. She had long brown hair that stopped at her shoulders. Her hazel eyes shined brightly as she smiled at Esme.

The boy resembled her just a little. The only difference was that his eyes were bright green like an emerald split in two.

"Delilah, meet Crystal and Christian. Guys, this is my lovely granddaughter," Esme introduced us.

"I wouldn't use the word lovely," my wolf scoffed.

Ignoring my wolf, I smiled and shook their hands.

"Pleasure to meet you," Christian said as he winked at me.

"You have to excuse my brother. He can be an egotistical prick sometimes," Crystal laughed.

"Don't hate. You know I'm attractive. Everyone in this pack knows it," Christian smiles, small dimples appearing in his cheeks.

"You see what I mean?" Crystal laughed and I joined along with her.

I like them already.

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