Chapter 19

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My eyes stay glued onto Crystal's worried face. I'm sure my facial expression mirrored hers perfectly. Who was this lady? What does she mean by Nathan not being alive for long? How does she even know me? All these questions buzzed through my head like a swarm of bees as I tried to calm my beating heart.

"There must be an explanation to this. What did she look like?" I asked Crystal.

She fiddled with her fingers, "Her hair was brown. Her skin was pale and her eyes were blue."

"Did she say anything else?" I asked, my voice filled with hope.

"I already told you what she said," Crystal sighed.

This whole thing didn't make any sense. How does this woman know about me and Nathan? What plans did she have in store for me?

"I'm not sure about you guys, but I don't like what that woman said to me. She threatened me and my mate. I'm going to find out who she is," I snapped as I stood to my feet.

I'm just about to leave when Crystal grabs my arm. "You don't want to do that. This siren is very powerful. I felt this strong, odd vibe radiating off of her too. She's not just a siren...she's something entirely different. If I were you I wouldn't try to look for her. Who knows what she's capable of?!" Crystal exclaimed with wide eyes.

I retreated my arm from her grip. "Well, I'm not you and you're not me. I will find out who this woman is," I growled, my voice filled with determination.

I was not one to back down from a fight.

"Well if it isn't dumb, dumber, and dumbest," Christian came barreling into the room like he was royalty, a smug smile on his face.

I scowled at him in disgust, "Ugh, I'm out of here. See you guys later."

I left them with Christian as I wandered around the mansion, wondering what to do in my spare time. Nathan was nowhere to be found. I'm guessing he needed his space or something. I was still quite upset with him about our little argument earlier.

I didn't want to go back to hang with Jade, Jackson, and Crystal knowing that Christian was with them. I barely knew anyone here besides them.

Sighing in exhaustion, I decided to head up to my room to sleep. I was barely getting enough of that as it is. As I entered my room, I locked the door and flopped down on my bed, sleep immediately taking over me.


Soft hands were placed on my shoulders as they shook me back and forth. My body jerked awake as my eyes snapped open, staring into a pair of hazel eyes.

"Crystal?" I squinted my eyes at her. "What the hell do you want? I'm trying to sleep," I groaned.

"Did you forget already? We're training today."

Oh fuck me.

My eyes looked towards the window to find it still dark outside, "What time is it?"

"It's thirty minutes past four. Now hurry up and get ready. Dante doesn't like it when we're late," Crystal rushed me as she came off of my bed.

"Who the hell is Dante?" I snapped, angry that I was woken up this early.

"He's our trainer for today. Now get up before it's too late. Training starts at five o'clock a.m. sharp."

I slammed my head back against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. I hate waking up early. I let out a loud groan as I entered my bathroom and took off my clothes, cursing in Spanish under my breath.

Once I was finished getting dressed, I came out of the bathroom to see Crystal staring deep in thought out the window, a small frown on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

Crystal snapped out of whatever haze she was in and turned to me, a forced smile appearing on her face, "Perfectly fine. Let's go."

I nodded my head and followed her out of my room, confused by her strange behavior. What exactly happened between her and that siren?

I silently followed her towards a part of the mansion that I had not yet seen before. Everything was more high-tech.

"What is this place?" I asked in confusion, watching as tiny little robots scurried across the white floor.

"Our training is different here. We don't fight like how the usual training goes," Crystal explained as we entered a room that was filled with other people. There was a big glass wall on the other side of the room. Inside was a chair with some helmet thing with cords sticking out of it along with a machine next to it.

"How do you guys train?" I asked just as someone cleared their throat.

I looked up and my eyes landed on a cute guy with dirty blonde hair that was slightly wet. The white wife beater he had on hugged his muscles causing some of the girls surrounding me to gawk at him. His chocolate brown eyes searched the room as everyone began gathering around.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Dante Mackerel. I will be your trainer for today. Today's training will be different for those of you who are new and don't know. Instead of fighting, we will put each and every one of you through a stimulation. This will help you both mentally and physically. I hope you all are ready because this form of training will not be easy," Dante explained.

"Now, who's first?" Dante smiled as he raised his hands to the side.

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