Back story on the characters

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Ashley is a strong woman who always wants to help her friends and keep them alive and always gets A in school .
is a fighter and got in fights in school and had a stay in kid jail for seven months. He even beat up Marcus and Marcus' parents end up pressing charges on Max which is how he got sent to a juvenile detention center upstate in New York . They had to wait until Max got out of juvenile detention center to go up the mountain
Throw all the parties at his house . always was focused on fun and being the life of the party . dropout of high school at 16 and got a job at publix.
Liked to party and play basketball for fun and tried to pass high school and tried to convince Marcus to get his ged.
The bird
Was made to destroy the human race and the bird's only object in life is to eat as many humans as possible and reproduce so that more human eating birds can be made.

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