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OFFICIAL route for

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OFFICIAL route for


heizou has managed to solve some of inazuma's greatest mysteries. he is a man of renowned talent.

he was praised, hated, and sought after for his talents. everyone at his job would ask for his assistance when it came to the simplest things.

people envied his ability to be as smart as he is. they wanted to be able to make their families proud and have a good, stable job like he does.

and the criminals he put away using his wits, they knew going back for round two would never go well.

but there was only one person who never cared about his smarts, just his personality.

it was like a weight lifted off his shoulders. he felt like atlas.

being forced to hold a legacy instead of the heavens on his shoulders... for all eternity. to never escape his detective legacy.

but someone would come along and help him with his burden. she would lift the weight of that burden and let him free for a while.

but while he may be a renowned detective, what he couldn't figure out is his own greatest mystery.

on how he fell in love with y/n.

his heart always seemed to race everytime he thought back to the night she kissed him. sure it was a quick kiss, but the mere fact her lips were on his for a second in time was enough.

and he wanted more. he wanted to be able to say those lips were for his only. he wanted the world to know how he truly felt about her.

and their current situation didn't help his feelings towards her right now.

they were hand in hand, walking through chinyu forest. they managed to ditch shenhe behind and have some time alone together.

the crickets were chirping in the forest, playing their song.

heizou felt y/n let go of his hand and hug his arm instead, he stiffened up. "are you okay?" he asked.

she nodded slightly, looking around towards her surroundings. "yeah, i just feel like this place is kinda scary... it's so dark and gloomy!"

heizou took his hand away and placed an arm over her shoulder, "don't worry! your knight in shining armor is here!"

y/n ignored the warm feeling in her face and glanced up. she rolled her eyes, "i don't need a man to save me... but thank you."

they spent the next hour just chatting away while walking around in the creepy, yet calming forest.

y/n was currently on her phone, looking through news headlines while running her fingers through heizou's hair. he had his head resting on her lap since they were sitting down in a patch of grass near the small river.

y/n scrolled through the numerous articles about how her and heizou were going public on their love life due to their interview.

she threw her head back and groaned, "the stupid media! i mean, i guess it is my fault for doing something like that on live television."

heizou opened one of his eyes to look at her clearly, "what's wrong?"

she shook her head, "it's nothing, just the media. they believe we're dating because of what we did on television."

she chuckled, "it's so funny how they think that we're official, they think we're dating!"

he sat up and looked her in the eyes. he grabbed her phone from her hand and placed it down.

he took ahold of her hands, intertwining them.

"then why don't we make it official? let's go official!" he said with a smile.

y/n blinked once, then twice. "huh?!" she exclaimed.

heizou nodded and scooted closer to her, "i don't know if you know, but i always liked you... i love how you're able to be so carefree around me, it's like you don't even care what people think i am. or... or what i have. you just... make me feel like more myself than ever before."

y/n couldn't look away from his eyes, it was as if he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

she took her hands back from his. at first heizou was scared she would reject his heartfelt feelings, but he knew it wasn't the case the second she cupped his face in her hands.

"it's because i don't, heizou. i don't care what others think about you. i don't care if you're so prodigal genius, i only care about you. not your brains," she said.

she leaned in closer and placed a kiss on his lips. he savored every moment of it.

the way they were in sync, the way her lips felt warm although the forest was chilly.

when they both pulled away, y/n was leaning into his arms while he just stared at her.

he rested his chin on top of her head. he rubbed circles with his thumb on her shoulder, "does this mean we can go official?" he asked.

she nodded softly into his chest, "yeah... it does."


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