⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ♡ A.

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OFFICIAL route for

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OFFICIAL route for


aether wasn't surprised when she came barging into his room at the ragnvindr manor like she said she would.

but he was surprised when he realized she had stopped at good hunter's and brought a meal for the two to share.

he was laying in bed under all the sheets as he watched y/n place the meal she had gotten for the two of them on the table in the corner of the room.

he turned his phone off and placed it on the nightstand to charge. he flipped himself to the right to face y/n as she jumped onto the right side of the bed.

she was sitting cross crossed as aether rested his head on her thighs.

he looked up towards her, "why did you get good hunters? i'm not complaining but you do know diluc has maids to do that for us, right?"

y/n nodded. she was clicking through the tv channels while playing with aether's hair.

"yeah, i know, but i felt like it would mean more if i got it myself." she said.

aether grabbed the remote from her hands gently and turned it off, ignoring her pouting. he sat up for a quick second before wrapping his arms around her waist and making them both fall onto the bed.

y/n felt as if her face was on fire. all she could do was stare at the person besides her as he cuddled with her.

"it means a lot, thank you." he said softly.

he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. y/n smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist as well.

she rested her head on his chest and was enjoying this moment they had together. she never knew that from a silly little celebrity crush almost a year ago could turn into something like this.

y/n let out a hum, signaling she was going to speak. "a year ago, i had this funny celebrity crush on you. you and kaveh, seriously."

aether rolled his eyes even though he knew she couldn't see it.

he felt y/n play with his braid, putting her fingers through each loop.

"but the closer we got, it turned into something more," she whispered against his neck.

"we became friends but..." she pulled away from the embrace. her eyes met his now.

she noticed how his face has gotten red and his eyes were wide.

she smiled, "i want to be more than friends, aether."

aether couldn't speak. it was like his brain was malfunctioning at this miracle he was getting.

"i... we... you?!" he ranted. he was in disbelief, he could've sworn she only liked his as a celebrity crush.

y/n nodded, "it's true! i really do like you."

aether couldn't form sentences due to being flustered so he brought her in for a hug.

his arms were around his waist again and his forehead resting on her shoulders. he hugged her as tight as he could. "i... i really like you too, y/n."

she softly smiled, glad that her feelings were reciprocated. she hugged him tightly as well.

after staying in each other's arms for a while, aether pulled away and shyly looked towards her eyes. "can i...?"

y/n nodded. she understood what he meant.

aether cupped her face with his hands and brought his lips onto hers. he rubbed his thumb on her cheeks as he softly kissed her.

oh how he longed for this moment. he always wanted to be one of the lucky men of the earth to be able to kiss her. he believed he was a commoner compared to her, she was like royalty to him.

when they backed away, aether's face was flushed. he glanced up to look her in her e/c eyes. "do you want to be my... my um... y'know?"

y/n chuckled as she nodded. she knew he was somewhat awkward with these situations so she helped him out.

"yes, i would love to be your girlfriend."


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