⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ♡ K.

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OFFICIAL route for

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OFFICIAL route for


the wind always made him happy.

the gentle breeze that would come along, the way the air would smell different each day.

he believes that the wind favors him most of all.

for since the wind always brought him her smell, even from afar.

he always missed her. sure they text each other almost everyday or call each other once a week.

but it's not the same as being in her arms.

he loved every bit of her. from her almost burning a house down, to her being a record selling artist, her being a renowned model, and his favorite part, the way she would always make him feel loved.

she made him feel like he wasn't alone, and she knew of his troubles from his past. from losing a friend to the nation's ruling empire, to being wanted in his own homeland, to being forced to leave everything he loved behind.

she managed to understand his resentment towards his homeland. as he always loved it and was yet banished for some time. how they were able to lift his criminality up and allow him to roam the lands as if they never caused him any problems.

and she was there for him, every step of the way.

and now, he wants to reciprocate those same actions to her now.

they were currently arm in arm, arms linked together as they were walking down the streets of liyue.

they would stop by the small time shops as y/n would greet the owners and sometimes buy a product or two. they would also stop momentarily whenever someone asked for a picture with them, which they both happily always agree to.

but it was now nighttime and both kazuha and y/n were sitting on the edge of the liyue harbors.

the workers have already went home to their families as it was now the two of them in the area.

they sat together watching the moon over the horizon of the sea. y/n had her arm resting on his shoulders as she could not imagine a moment more perfect than this.

"y'know, the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it?" he asked.

he was well aware of what that phrase meant, but he wanted her to know.

y/n lifted her head up to face him better, "it really is! the way it shines off the ocean-"

"i love you. that's what it means," he blurted out.

y/n's eyes widened, "huh!?" she sat up straight as this situation turned serious.

kazuha's hands were laying on his lap as he fiddled with his thumbs, "i loved you for the longest time. i fondly remember a year ago where i would see your face on a magazine, billboard, or on news headlines and always thinking, 'she's so beautiful. if only i knew her.'"

he looked over to her, "but now i do. you're more than i could ever imagine, as well. not only are you beautiful, but you're also amazing, kind, funny, and you're not afraid to speak your mind."

y/n put a finger on his lips to shush him, "i think you're talking too much." she leaned in and placed her lips onto his.

kazuha was surprised by what she did. he always thought she loved someone else who was better than him.

when y/n realized he didn't kiss back, she immediately pulled away and got embarrassed. "i'm so sorry, i didn't know you weren't okay with tha-"

but kazuha quickly her shut her up as well now. he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. he closed the distance between the two, his hands were caressing her face as he enveloped her into a passionate, and yet sweet, kiss.

it was everything he wanted and more. to finally say his feelings out loud and not be shunned away.

when they pulled away, they both took a deep breath in. kazuha's face was illuminated with the biggest and brightest smile she has ever seen in her lifetime.

"now it's you who talk too much... my love."


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