Chapter 5

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"Look lady, you're going to have to tell us where you live sometime! We can't keep you, we have lives to fulfill, career's to follow!" Louis blew up, throwing his arms up into wild gestures. 

Rebecca watched him with wide eyes, shrinking back a little from him in fear. Surprisingly, she didn't flinch when Louis shouted like that. Then again, she might've already gotten adjusted to Louis' temper judging by the way she acted towards him. 

I better explain. 

We'd been walking around this bar for the past hour, searching for some sort of sign of what happened. Rebecca, of course, hasn't spoken a word to us. That seemed to somewhat infuriate Louis. I could tell he had been on edge ever since Rebecca had come into our home last night. 

We've tried everything in our way to do something other than call the police, for we didn't want to deal with the drama of that.  So instead, I watched as Louis pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. 

"Look, Rebecca, I don't know what your deal is, but we can't do this." Louis sighed, pulling about twenty pounds from it. "Here's twenty pounds, it should be enough to go by a bus ticket or something."

Rebecca watched him in horror as he shoved the bills into her hand. He returned his wallet back to it's original place and dug his hands into his coat pockets.  

Cursing under my breath, I turned around and ran my fingers through my brown curls. This wasn't exactly my idea of how we would've gotten  her back home. 

"Wish you the best of luck alright?" Louis raised an eyebrow and nodded towards her before slinking his way past and making his way towards the car parked across the lot. She looked torn, with her mouth still halfway open and her eyes still confused.  

"Sorry, he's really just bewildered by all this," I explained, stepping a little closer to her.  

"Harry! Car, now!" Louis called. Looking back over my shoulder, I sighed deeply. 

"I...I gotta go," I said, backing away slowly. Rebecca watched me go, until I turned and lost sight of her. Just as I was about to open the car door, I heard a small whimper, making me look up. 

Rebecca was standing there helplessly, moving her mouth as  if she couldn't make a decision. Suddenly, with a frantic step forward, a tiny voice sprung out over the nippy air. 


Louis, who was busy shoving his keys into the ignition, stopped a moment and looked up, his eyes locking on Rebecca. I did the same, my mouth wide open. 

"P-P-Please...I have n-n-nowhere to g-go," Rebecca stuttered. She nervously wrung her hands together, but did it carefully enough so she wouldn't tear the money she held.  



"What did you just say?" Louis breathed, eyebrows frowning, eyes squinting as if he read my mind. It would've been helpful to know my mouth had hung open this far, for now I was just making a fool of myself as I stared at her. 

Rebecca took a nervous step forward, her eyes now sparkling with fresh tears. It made me swallow hard, I didn't know what I had done to make her cry.  

"I...I.." She mumbled, taking her gaze to the ground as she seemed to search for the right words to say. It took a moment for her to collect herself, and when she did take a deep breath and look up, I saw she was shaking. 

It made me bit my lip out of nervous anticipation. This girl could talk? But I thought...she was...  

"Stutter," Rebecca said simply, not bothering to look up from her feet. "I have e-extreme s-s-stutter disorder." She looked up for a moment, locking eyes with me a moment before sighing and dragging her eyes back to the floor. "Which m-means, I c-c-can't say n-n-normal things without p-people judging m-me." 


"I can't believe you," I hissed towards Louis, running my hand through my hair. Louis sighed through his nose. I couldn't help but notice his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. His lips were pursed into a thin line, with his tongue running over them every once in awhile. 

"Louis!" I groaned. "Talk to me, goddamn it!" 

"I don't have time for her right now!" Louis shouted back, realeasing his grip from the steering wheel to raise it up in the air. At first I flinched away, sure he would scream louder. But he didn't. Instead he looked at me with sympathy, let out a hesitated sigh and settled back down into his seat. 

"We can't just take care of this girl. We don't even know who she is. Like I said earlier this morning, don't you remember?" 

"But we could've at least waited to talk to her a bit longer, found out where she lived? Helped her out? Have you gone mental?!" I shouted. 

Louis sighed deeply, clenching his lips together tightly. "Look, we'll just go on with our lives it's not a big deal. She'll find someone else and they'll take care of it. Don't worry." 

Shaking my head, I grumbled further to myself as I sunk deeper into my seat. I noticed Louis eyeballing me a few times as I grudgingly stared out the window. Glassy condensation lined the window, making everything outside seem a bit gloomy. I didn't mind, it didn't affect my mood any further. It was typical weather for London, always cloudy with bits of rain here and there.  

I've neer took notice to it.

"Harry," Louis said softly as the car pulled to a stop. He let go of the wheel and let his hands slump to his legs. "Hazza." 

"What," My sigh turned into a low groan. I could tell that Louis knew I wasn't happy, for he let out a deep sigh and the car stayed silent for a moment. Only when Louis' car door opened did I finally unbuckle and grudgingly slide out of the car.  

"It's not that bad, Harold." Louis brought the keys out from his pocket and turned the ring in his hand until he held the right key. As he made his way up the long metal steps, I followed after him. 

"She could still be out there, crying because we abandoned her," I grumbled. It was true, the thought of her still being out there crossed my mind like a mantra being repeated over and over again. The poor girl stated right then and there she had nowhere to go, I knew I should've protested against Louis' plea to go.  

Suddenly, and idea popped into my head. It made an evil looking smirk curl ever so slightly upon my lips. Thankfully, Louis didn't notice. 

"Actually uh, I'm gonna go run out for a bit," I said quietly, staring angelicaly at Louis who turned on his heel to look at me. 

"For what?" 

"Milk." I said simply, trying not to smirk at the older boy, but failing. Louis stared at me a moment, fumbling with the keys that jingled in his hand, before finally shrugging and nodding. 

"Alright, don't be long. Make dinner tonight love?" He asked sweetly, shooting a sweet look my way. 

"Fine," I sighed, running a hand through my curls that messily sprawled over my eyes. He gave a small 'yay' and unlocked our apartment door, tucking himself inside. He shot me a quick smile before shutting the door all the way. 

I stared at the grain of the wood in the door, making sure that Louis wouldn't suspect anything, before shooting down the countless flights of steps. Just as I sprinted down the last flight and burst towards the car, I let a smile of victory play on my face. 

I was going to make sure was Rebecca was okay, and I didn't care if Louis liked it or not. 


OMFG this chapter was so short I'm so sorry XD The next chapter will be longer, promise! I haven't updated anything in like forever. Jeez. Sorry I took forever to update 'Mute'! It'll be back on track soon<3


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