Chapter 18

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(last chappie!)

Harry's POV

"Where are they?" I hissed through my teeth, staring at the front door as my leg shook up and down involuntarily. 

"What do you mean where are they?" Louis called from the kitchen, his voice laced between loud clatters of pots and pans. I glared at him, watching as his eyebrow jumped up his forehead in curiosity. 

"I mean the lads and Rebecca. They should have been here a long time ago," I mumbled, raising my hand and running it over my face. 

"Easy, Harry. They're probably just stuck up with all the fans. They'll be here." 

"Yeah..." I whispered, my throat suddenly feeling hoarse. I swallowed hard, staring at the grain of the door, willing it to open and for Rebecca to stumble inside. "I sure hope so."

Rebecca's POV

My heart rate quickened. My stomach felt tight and my head felt light and my breathing was shallow. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes and I gasped for breath, trying my best to slow it down but it’s just gaspgaspgasp and no air, no air in my lungs, too much heart in my chest, too much fear in my brain.

I looked up, eyes blurred with tears and something else I can't decipher. My hands shook and my cheeks were wet and I tried to say something to the boys but my voice never mustered higher than a whisper, so I stayed quiet, wrapping my arms around myself and just wishing that it wouldn't be much longer until I'm home again. 

My eyelids drooped, my tear filled eyes slowly closing on me. I felt the arms of someone pull me close to them and I embraced the warmth that they brought, letting the blurred visions drift away as I let the car's movements rock me to sleep. 

Everything was black when I'd awoken. For a moment, I panicked, gasping frantically for a breath of air that didn't seem to reach my lungs, until everything burst into sight and I was left with nothing but the pounding of my heart. 

"Woah, you okay, love?" Niall's voice whispered low in my ear. I sucked in a breath and whipped around, suddenly unaware of where I'd ended up. Though, nothing had changed. We were still in the car, ungainly making our way down the road.

The screaming of the fans had died down considerably, yet as I looked out the window there were countless girls holding up signs and squealing, as well as flashing cameras that made me flinch away.

"Harry....where's Harry.." I mumbled softly through cracked lips. I looked up from my lap, squinting at the digital clock on the dashboard. It was six 'o' clock in the evening. Two hours. I'd been asleep for two hours. 

"What's g-going on?" I whispered to Niall, who was rubbing his weary blue eyes as if he'd only just woken up himself. He shrugged, rolling his tongue over his lips as he attempted to blink the sleep from his eyes.  

I cursed under my breath.  I tilted my head to sneak a glance at the bodyguard that was driving the car. His face looked stern, his lips drawn out into a thin line and his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles had turned a white color. Zayn was asleep, his head resting against the window and his arms crossed tightly over his chest. As for Liam, he had leant himself up against Zayn and was also sleeping peacefully, lips parted into a small 'o' as he snored softly. 

"Niall," I whispered, "H-how m-much longer?" 

He shook his head, opening his arms again. "I don't know love," He said as I fell back into him, worry filling my stomach with a sick feeling, "I don't know." 

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