Chapter 4

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"Wooyoung is about to beat the high score!!"

"Come on Wooyoung!!! You can do it!!"

We all gather around Wooyoung as he danced on the dancing game. We had been at the arcade for a couple hours. We had already won a lot of games... Okay maybe two or three.

"I BEAT IT!!" Wooyoung yells jumping off the game. We all laughed as Woo did a victory dance.

"Alright I think it's time to head home. Seonghwa and Noir both look like they are going to fall asleep standing."

I look over to our table and see Seonghwa and Noir trying not to fall asleep. They were both talking to each other trying to keep themselves awake.

I look at the stuffed wolf I had won and smile. 'Would she like this? I should try giving it to her!' I shook off my nerves and walked over to Noir and Seonghwa while Hongjoon tried to get San and Wooyoung to listen to him.

"You both look like you're going to fall off your chair." Seonghwa nods his head as Noir lays her head on the table.

"Um... I got this for you, Noir." She lifts her head a bit causing her mask to fall a bit. The mask was above her lip showing her nose. 'She has her nose pierced!?'

"Thanks!" She says smiling. Her nose scrunched up as her eyes turned into little crescents. As she took the bear I couldn't take my eyes off her. Even though I can't see her whole face she was still so pretty. The way her eyes disappeared when she smiled and her nose scrunched up...

"Ah, saengjwi! Your mask!" Seonghwa says fixing her mask. 'Damn it Seonghwa!!'

"Did you guys want us to give you a ride home?" Hongjoon says holding Wooyoung and San by the arms.

I look at Han who seemed to be still full of energy. I guess we could walk, our dorm wasn't that far.

"I think we will walk. You cool with that, Ji?" Han nods his head.

"You sure? We do have enough room for you two?"

"Yea, we aren't that far from the dorms anyways."

"Just get home safe and take care you two." Hongjoon says giving me a quick hug.

As we let go of the hug I turned to see Noir with Hans phone. Once she gives him his phone back he whispered something in her ear.

"Han let's go!" Han gives Noir a quick hug before walking over to me. For some reason I didn't feel angry or upset when they hugged. 'Weird I felt upset earlier when her and Mingi hugged. Why didn't I feel anything when Han hugged her?'

"Bye! Hope we get to hangout soon!"

Noir's POV

"Can we eat tteokbokki when we get home!!"

"If you're cooking it."

We all laughed as Wooyoung started telling Hongjoon why he shouldn't be the one to cook.

We were halfway home talking about random things. Well the boys where I was just looking out the window thinking about random things. I looked down at the stuffed wolf that chan had given me. 'It kinda looks like him'

"What got you all smiley, saengjwi?" Yunho says nudging my shoulder with his.

"None of your business!" I say sticking my tongue out causing Yunho to laugh.

"Since you were looking at the wolf I am guessing you were thinking about chan~" I feel an instant blush. Yunho sees the blush and starts laughing uncontrollably causing everyone to look at us.

"What's got you laughing so hard, Yunho?" Yunho continues to laugh as I start hitting him.

"Our little saengjwi has a crush~" Yunho finally says after calming down. I feel everyone's eyes on me. I quickly cover my face with my hands. 'Imma kill him tonight!'

"Oooh who's the person?"

"Are they someone we know?"

"How long have you known them?"

"I don't have a crush! Yunho is being a bully!" I say putting my mask back on hoping that it would hide my blushing face. I looked down at the stuffed wolf while everyone continued to talk about who my potential crush was.

Did I have a crush on chan? That would explain the weird feeling I feel when I am around him or see him. No that can't be I just met him two days ago!

When I first found out I was making a video for Stray Kids I had to look up who they were since I didn't know any groups from JYP besides Twice.

I feel someone poking my head. I look up and see Mingi fully turned on his seat. He gives me a small smile as he reaches over and pulls my mask down.

"You know we care about you a lot and we are only messing with you, right?" I nod my head. "We haven't been able to see you for so long. You were in the States in that treatment center and we couldn't visit you often. We just missed messing with you." I give him a small smile.

"You're our little sister, as your big brothers we're supposed to bully you. So please don't take anything serious or tell us when we take it too far." Yunho says taking my hand in his.

I smile at both of them. They were right I was away from them for so long, I forget that they like to joke around. I am glad to have them as my brothers. They meant the world to me.

"Forgive us?" Mingi says holding up his pinky. I smile connecting our pinky's with the hand I wasn't holding Yunho's hand with. I could never stay mad at them.

"Ah, Seonghwa! You do know Noir has her Mary Jane nose ring on?" Mingi yells once he turns back around in his chair.



Here is my Christmas gift to y'all!!! Lol. I was gonna make a Christmas themed chapter but couldn't come up with anything. Also saengjwi means mouse in Korean. I thought it would be a cute nickname for noir since she's shorter than all of them. I know the cars they ride in can't fit all of them in one but for the sake of the story just pretend it can. But anyways, here is your gift I hope you like it and I hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy New year!!!


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