A ticking lovebomb

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Two minutes did the timer say. Two more minutes and Jane would know. She was in her room. The drawing before her was still unfinished. She had wanted to add more details, but it was forgotten between her thoughts about one person who would change her life.

Most people went on a walk on the day they met their soulmate. They dressed themselves up to make it a special occasion. Jane only wanted to stay inside, where it was warm. Even the thought of going outside gave her chills. It didn't matter where she went anyway, she and the person she was destined to meet, would find each other for certain.

Jane thought of a time when she was more optimistic. Moreover, she was enthusiastic about the idea that her partner, whom she would live with for the rest of her life, would be there in a certain amount of time.
She had been naïve. The only thing she wanted, right now, was to live her life and to be free of anyone's opinions and judgments. She didn't need anyone, she was good on her own, she learned. She loved traveling on her own through Europe for a reason. And there were other things Jane learned that she was capable of, with a little help from her best friend, she had to admit.

Jane had lost track of time when she heard the doorbell ringing. Who could that possibly be? She thought. The person behind the door rang a few times more. "I'm coming. A bit of patience please," she mumbled agitated. She flung the door open and a well-known face stood in front of her.

"Clair? What are you doing here?"
"I'm just dropping this package off." It sounded more like a question than anything else. "It's from my mom. She wanted me to deliver it personally because it's of 'great significance'."
"It's really kind of you, but I don't have much time. I'm waiting for..."

And then it hit her. No way this could be true. Clair, who had been her best friend since they were kids.
"I know right? It's kind of odd, but it makes sense, you know?" Clair chuckled. There was a blush on her face, which was not only because of the cold.
"It does, actually." She laughed and was shaking her head at the same time.

She had always known their friendship was different from the others she had known of, but she did not think too much about it.
Jane did not think about how they had dreams of living together someday, or how they would cuddle while watching a movie. It all felt really natural.

"Well, come inside. You can leave the package here. Maybe we can watch a movie?"
"Yes, I'd love that."

Jane smiled when Claire took her hand when they were watching Tangled. She put her head on her shoulder. Spending the rest of her life with her best friend would not be so bad after all.


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