chapter 9

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and mean while back on earth cassie saw everything that happen and hugged her mom and said dads ok he'll be back and now back to the planet john jumped to the complex again and landed inside it on the court yard and jake and neytiri coming up to him and they saw the whole thing and jake said  are you ok we saw the feed and it showed you putting the bone back into place and it must of hurt and john said im fine it did not hurt trust me and he then turned to neytiri and said are you still going to be hostile to me now and neytiri said no im not john and then she proposed to john and that shocked john and jake and john said yes and then calling his ship back to the planet he went aboard the ship and Lovell said sir we have picked up a distress beacon from a earth that we did not know existed and it's from a place called beacon high an academy that is a school that teaches people to fight monsters and john said to Lovell plot a course there I will go down there myself again and alone to see who sent the beacon and Lovell said is that a smart idea sir we saw what happen last time and cassie cried out in a fear of pain for you and john stopped him and said that was a one time thing so go with it and the ship entered slipspace and sent two hours in it and then arrived at the location and john said well it looks like normal im going down there and teleported off the ship and to the academy and then john was in front of it and looked around and saw people  going into a building and john followed them stealthily into the building and saw a man giving a speech and then the man looked directly at john and said to some people that john could not see and then john was flying in the air towards him and landed back first into the stage and then john got up and then stood at the ready with his stygian iron sword and looked around to see who hit him and then four people landed in front of him and then looked at them more closely and saw that they were girls and sheathed his sword but the four girls in front of him did not and then john said I do not hit girls I never will and then turned to the man and still aware of the four girls in front of him and said to the man what is your name and the man said my name is ozpin and how about your name stranger and john said I don't trust you but you can call me the master chief and then there was a squeal of delight from one of the four girls and the one that squeal said the master chief the one that saved the world three times and john turned to the girls again and said yes im that master chief and then john asked who is the fan and the girl with the giant scythe/sniper rifle said I am the fan and I know your real name master chief and john then looked at the girl and said come here and she came closer and then john used his biotic powers to create a bubble around him and the girl and she said how did you do this and john said I have powers and whatever you say the people on the outside can't hear you and we can't hear them but we can see them and they can see us do you understand me and the girl said a little bit and then john said what is my name then and the girl said john I have read that from a book and john said yes that's my name and do you know why i'm here and the girl said to see us and john said no i'm here to see who sent the distress beacon that summoned my ship here and the girl said what do you wield a sword and shield or a rifle and john said both and why do you want to know  and the girl said because I want to and john showed her that his sword is made out of stygian iron (which is underworld metal if you read the Percy Jackson series) and a shield made out of dragon scales and she let out a squeal of delight and said can I touch the shield I never defeated a dragon before and john said sure and pulled the shield off his back and moved it down to her level and she touched the shield and squealed and said wow is it always this rough and john said no you get used to it and what is your scythe about and the girl said it's not just a scythe it's a sniper rifle as well and john said cool you won't hit me with it any more right and the girl said yes and john dispersed the bubble around them and the other three girls came rushing to the one girl and asked to see if she was ok and she said she was he did not hurt me and then john asked one more thing to the girl with the scythe/sniper rifle what's your name and the girl said my name is ruby and john said well it's nice to meet you ruby and holds out his hand  for her to shake it and before she could shake it the girl with gauntlets stepped in front of ruby and swatted away johns hand and said my sister is not going to shake some strangers hand and ruby started to object to her but was shushed by her sister and then john said why not and the sister said you are a total stranger and I don't trust you yet and john said what can I do to get you to trust me ruby trusts me so why can't you what can I do then girl and the girl said well prove to me your good in a fight  so you'll have to fight me and john said no I do not hit girls or women and then the girl stood down from her fighting stance and said well you're a gentlemen you don't hit girls and women I was testing you to see if you would hit girls and you said you won't and you didn't even drew a weapon out so I can trust you and before you ask me my name let me tell you mine is yang and john then said nothing and again tried to hold out his hand and again got interrupted by one of the other girls as well and that girl said Ruby Yang what are you doing making friends with this riff raft when we don't even know his name and ruby started to say his name is the master and john cut her off and said no ruby its fine if the ice queen wants to know my name she can know my name is john  not jaune not some other spelling of that name is john is that enough for you ice queen and the girl said hey no its not I want to see your face and ruby started to object to that but john cut her off and said ruby its fine if the ice queen wants to see my face she will see my face and john starts to take his helmet off and all the rest of his helmets follow in one motion and the girl ruby, yang, ozpin and everyone else made a collective gasp and when they saw johns pale complexion and shorn brown hair so what now Ice queen you see what I look like what do you think and the girl said I never knew a person's skin could be that white and john said im not a normal human and ruby asked what does that mean and john said I was forced to have augmentations done to me to wear this armor I never had a choice I was kidnapped from my family when I was only six and then I was still being beat up for helping people to try escaping from our captives but as you see it didn't work my bones are virtually unbreakable nothing can break them I never asked that so what now ice queen what you going to say and the girl said I didn't know im sorry

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