chapter 13

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and john figured out there was an invisible glass in front of him and punched the glass out and jumped down with Ichika  following close behind in his IS and john moved to where he could try to interfere but before he could Laura threw Cecilia and Ren at the wall and john said to ichicka keep Laura busy I'll get Cecilia and Ren and john moved into their path to the wall and caught them but their momentum made them crash into the wall with john and john was getting up Cecilia and Ren saw what john did for them and fell in love with john and as he was getting up john put his left hand near Cecilia's breast and that made her squeal and john then move towards ichicka and Laura and john saw that ichicka was failing so john sent a couple of rounds to get her attention and it did and then one move of Laura's IS  has snake like arrows coming after john and he dodge them and moved closer and switched to the shotgun and pounded her shield strength and that protects her from bodily harm and it was getting dangerously close to zero for her and john said to ichika now and john moved away and ichika hit Laura with his sword attack and depleted her shield strength and her IS dematerialize and she fell and landed on her back and then john moved to hover over her with his knife drawn to her neck and said remember next time you mess with Cecilia and Ren you have to deal with me because they are mine to protect and as he said the Cecilia and Ren heard that and said his to protect and fell even more in love with him and john said to Laura are we clear little lady and Laura said yes in a growling tone and john said good and sheathed his knife and stood up and extended a hand for her to get up and she slapped it away and john said fine then be that way and john leaned in closer to her and said your yellow eye is pretty by the way and she blushed and before she could reply john moved to where Cecilia and Ren are and said are you ladies ok and they blushed as he said that and said yes and that was impressive how you handle and IS without one and john said I don't need one because of this armor its better than a IS and they said really lets test that theory boy and john said no not now you were just in a fight and almost died I won't fight you and they said fine  and  then john and ichika went back into the bleachers of the stadium and into the hall way and down to the dorms and ichika said there is another roommate here so be open and john looked at ichicka and said I am always open to new things you know and he said ok and then they reached their dorm and entered and then he heard the shower was running and said that our other roommate and ichika said yes why don't you go find a place to set your stuff down and john said ok  I will and then ichika reached into a cabinet and pulled out body soap and said I need to give him more body soap so hang on and ichika went into the shower room and then john heard a scream and john looked at the door and saw ichika open it and walk slowly to him dazed and confused and then left to sit on his bed and he sat on the bed and then the shower room open up after a little while and john saw that another boy exited the shower and the boy was dressed and john moved to him and said hey I'm am the master chief you can call me chief  and he said ok my name is Charlie and then said to ichika about what you saw in the shower it's not what you think and john said yes it is what he thinks you are a girl and he walked in when you were getting out and Charlie said how do you know that and john said I can read minds when I want to I can do it whenever I want to and Charlie was surprised and said well I guess now since you guys know of my being a girl I will have to go back to my dad and then ichika said no you don't right here in the hand book it says your dad can't interfere with your attendance here and chief and I will keep your secret right and john shook his head yes and then they went to their beds and slept and the next day was the tournament for the class representatives and john was in the locker room with ichika and Charlie and they made a team the three of them and they went to see who they are fighting and it was Laura and ichikas first childhood friend and they said nothing and then john broke the silence and said how are we going to do this Laura does not know the importance of working together and they both agreed that he was right and we should go for ichika friend and they agreed with that plan but john said which one of us is going to keep Laura busy while we deal with the friend and they look at each other than to john and john said fine I'll keep her busy and as they exited the way to the arena and looked around and saw that their opponents were already in the arena and john jumped down into the arena and the others followed and they heard the buzzer for the match to start and john moved and started to hit Laura with a couple of stun shotgun rounds and pushed her away from her teammate and then ichika and Charlie went after the teammate and so john duck as Laura tried to hit him and then as john was ducking he pulled out his pistol with the stun rounds and shot her again and that time it rocked her even more and then john looked to see how ichika and Charlie were doing and saw that they just finished her off and were heading towards him and when he was not looking Laura attack and she hit john back towards them and he got up and notice that she was angry and said to ichika what now her IS damaged so whats the plan of attack not and they said  ichika will keep her busy on him while you and Charlie with attack her from her from behind and john said ok and ready his shotgun with stun rounds and ichika attack her and john and Charlie went behind her and started to hit her and then john notice a light tilt in her stance and pulled Charlie out of the way in time before she attack and he didn't have enough time to pull ichika out of the way and she hit him and drained his shield energy to zero and his IS dissolved and his left arm was cut and then john and Charlie moved to ichika and asked if he was ok and he said im fine but look and he pointed to where Laura was standing and saw he IS was covered in a black stuff and morphed around her and grew taller until it was taller than them and took shape of a girl john did not recognize but ichika did and said she took the form of my sister why did she do that and john said I don't know but we got bigger problems then that how are we going to stop her and ichika said well I can use sword from my IS but it needs a charge and what will you do chief and john said I have my sword and john pulls out his stygian iron sword and ichika said well we can do it together but my energy level is almost gone I need a charge where will I get the charge and before john could offer Charlie offered and ichika accepted it and john said I'll keep her busy till your done charging and john moved to where Laura was and the giant sword the thing has swung down towards john and then there was a crater where the sword met john and there was john floating using his biotics to keep him afloat and then ichika said john pull back now let's hit it together and john hit the sword up into the air and moved back to where ichika was and saw that he had only his left gauntlet and the sword and ichika said on three you and me hit it got it and john shook his head and they moved to either side of it and ichika said one two and they had their swords raised and he said three and they both swung and hit it at the exact same time and they saw that the thing was falling apart and john moved in to catch Laura who was falling out of it and he caught her and set her down

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