chapter 11

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and they made it back to the house and they went to where they were before in the living room and then the TV turned on and the screen showed professor ozpin on it and john said ozpin what an unexpected surprise what do you want and ozpin said well it's nice to see you  again then and I have one more team I need you to take and john said what team is it this time and ozpin said the team is CFVY and take special care of the team because they don' really like being pushed around  including velvet and john said ok when will they be here and ozpin said I thought you could come back in the ship and get them and john said really im in the middle of my daughter birthday im not going to take the ship im going to teleport there and get them it'll be faster that way and john stood up and teleported to where ozpin was and said where is team CFVY and who is the rest of the team I know velvet makes the V in the team who makes the rest and where are they and ozpin said they will be here just wait for them and they wait for a couple of seconds and saw velvet approaching them and when she got their ozpin said well john here is velvet and john said it's nice to meet you velvet and put out his hand for her to shake it and she was nervous to do it and john notice that she was nervous and lowered his hand its ok velvet I won't hurt you but I know words won't convince you will they and she shook her head no and john said what will it take to get you not nervous of me and she said take off your helmet I want to see your face and john said ok and twisted the locks on his helmets and lifted all of them off and said well are nervous of me anymore and she was shocked by how pale john was then she finally snapped out of it and said no thank you for showing me and why is your skin so pale and john said it's because of how much time I spend in this armor and velvet asked why do you spend so much time in it then and john said well you never know why I saved the earth four times and velvet said wow ok then it's nice to be studying under you sir and john said you can drop the formalities and john said where is the rest of your team velvet and she said they will be here shortly john shook his head yes and said well what do you do for fun velvet and she said I like to read that's about it she said and john went back to looking for the other members of CFVY  and john turned to ozpin and said if the other members don't show up soon I'm leaving with velvet and they can take a ship to this coordinates and john hands him the coordinates for his house on the different earth and ozpin said they will be here don't worry john they will be here and then velvet said here they are their here now and points to the three people  coming over the hill and john said finally and when they reached them velvet said team this is the mentor we are learning under and the three of them looked john over and the other girl said were supposed to learn under this guy and ozpin said yes Coco he is the one RWBY and JNPR are learning under him so listen to him and john was looking them over and said well it's nice to meet you all and why are you doubtfully of me Coco and she said I never heard or seen you in class and john said im not from this earth im from another earth and have you heard of the legend of Spartan 001 and Coco looked to the other team members the two men in their group and said yes he is the man who saved the earth four times he is said not to be seen without his helmet on and your helmet is on but you are not him because he has six ai and then while she is saying it he pulls out six ai chips and said you mean this and shows them the chips and they were all socked except velvet and they said nothing but then Coco was the first to recover from the shock and said im sorry sir didn't recognize you and john said its fine everyone does it drop the formality my name is john and who are the guys and Coco said they are fox and Yatsuhashi and john said who are they there is two of them and Coco pointed to a light brown guy and said he is fox and the other one is Yatsuhashi and john said it's nice to meet you guys and are you ready to move to where RWBY and the others are and they said yes and john said ok come in a close circle and hold hands and hold your breath when I tell you to and they did as he said they made a circle and he was part of it he is holding hands with velvet and Coco and now told them to hold their breath and they did and john teleported and they went with him as he did and they teleported into johns living room and he said you can let go and breathe again and the did that and then they saw they were in a strange place so they were about to attack but before they did john went in front of them and said wow your safe you're in my house no need to be ready for an attack you remember RWBY don't you and john points towards ruby ,yang and Coco said yes where are we you said a different earth yes a different one and it's my daughter's birthday today so relax and tomorrow you and RWBY , JNPR  will join my daughter at her school I will be there since there will be someone there that wants to talk to the school kids so enjoy the party and meet my kids and the team went to looking for the birthday girl and said who is the special girl and john pointed to cassie as he said it's her she already had her gifts and she likes them and she has not said anything else she wants to do and john then went to his chair and sits down and said come and sit down you don't have to stand all the time and they came to him and sits around the chair and john said to cassie what do you want to do honey and she said watch a movie and john said which one we have a lot and cassie said guardians of the galaxy and john said ok and gets up and puts the movie in the dvd player and any kind of food you want cassie and she said I want hamburgers dad grilled not cooked please and john said ok honey I will do that I will need help with the plates and stuff and john looked over the teams to choose who will help him and he said Blake come on your helping me and (Blake is a girl don't ask why her name is a boy name) come on and him and Blake went outside to the grill and he started to grill and said to her why are you so quiet around me Blake I like quiet girls and Blake blushed and said I have my reasons and john pondered on what she said and he said well I like that even more girls with secrets I have secrets of my own if I show you them will you open up to me then and Blake said maybe and then john took off his helmet and said watch and john concentrated and half of his face turned to krogen and he then said well I am part alien on my mother's side not just this one others as well so how about your secret now and she said what do you think of about cats and john said  I like them they are a good reading companion  and they don't bother other people so I like them and Blake starts to walk up to john in an attractive manner and said well I am part cat and unties her bow in her hair and she shows john her little kitty ears she has and john said well ok and pulls her closer and he made the half of his face back to human and kissed her and then john let her go and cooked all the hamburgers and platted them and john and everyone ate them and slept and they went through a normal day until the assembly in the gym happened and so john exited the bathroom in the gym and when john looked up john saw that the covenant was holding the teams he is training and his family hostage to get to him and john then  ran up to the elites that had his family and killed them and then killed the covenant that held the teams hostage and killed them just using his fists and then grouped them together and put a force shield around them so nothing could hurt them along with the people in the bleachers the teams never saw this side of john just killing covenant with many different techniques using his fists and dead enemies weapons and then using fire from his hands to cook them along with the grimm and when john was done he was just covered in blood  and let the force shields to dissolve and the teams said wow you just demolished them with what you could find along with your fists how could you do that

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