chapter 10

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and john said its fine and john turned to ozpin do you know who activated the distress beacon that I am checking out and ozpin said I never sent one you must be mistaken and john said nope I am sure one was here and then ruby said you mean this thing and john turned to face ruby and saw she has the beacon in her hand and asked why did you activate it ruby and ruby said it was a button I wanted to press it  and john shook his head and said you know what if you don't need help then im leaving and jumped to the entrance of the building and from where he jumped the ground was shattered and john left through the door and then ozpin said that was eventful and then ruby said Weiss why did you do that he is a nice guy he never did anything to you now he is mad at us and Weiss said what I did you activated the beacon that brought him here and before ruby could reply back they heard a roar of something they never heard of and all of them rushed outside and saw john killed a beast they never had seen before and they also saw john skinned it and took the bone and meat and he also picked up a helmet made of steel and a new sword and something they could not make out and then john stood up straight and walking towards the entrance to the school and then he held out his hand to make his drop ship deactivate its active camo and lowered the ramp and started towards the open ramp and before he could get in his ship ruby stepped in front of him and said something he could not hear so he paused his music he was listening to and said what do you want and she said what did you kill and john said a high dragon and ruby said cool and john tried to walk around her but she would just stay in front of him and john was beginning to lose his patience with her and shouted by accident ( because of his temper) would you move I want to get to my daughter's birthday please and shook his head by what he said and then there was a collective gasp again and ruby finally moved but before john was fully in the ship ozpin said john and john then turned and said im listening what do you want and ozpin said why don't you take team rwby with you to teach them and john said im not what hunter you think I am I kill aliens and ozpin said it doesn't matter also take team juniper as well and john notice he did not have a choice in the matter and said fine well have the teams get on the ship now I won't wait long and john moved to the ship controls and while he did that team rwby and juniper got in the section behind him and sat and john powered up the ship and flew away to space and into his ships landing bay and lowered the ramp and went down and looked back in the ship and said you can get up now and they did and walked down and ruby squealed and went to the entrance of the bay and saw they were in space and john walked to the elevator and motioned to the teams to come and they exited to the bridge and john went to the captain's chair and plotted a course back to earth and ruby saw that it was earth and said we are already here why plot to here and john said its not to this earth its to the original one and then yang said wait the original one this one is not the only one and john said it's the second to last the other ones was glassed only this one and the one we are heading to are left and john then made the ship transition into slipspace and through the few minuets they were in there the ship went out of slipspace and moved to where john's house was and said to the teams do you want to come down with me or stay up here and they said with you and so they went back into the ship and flew down to his house they entered before he did and saw that the teams have their weapons drawn and john said stand down they are my family  and the teams holstered their weapons and moved and john said to his family they are students that I need to train them and they said nothing but shook their heads in a yes motion and john went to his chair and sat down in it and then said I didn't miss cassie's birthday did I and they said no we were about to start it and john said good and they went through all the thing they do at a party and then they went through gifts and john said to cassie let me go get your present from me and your mom sit with liara  and tali honey come with me and cassie sat with liara and john said to the teams go sit with cassie get to know here and then john and tali went to their bedroom and john reached in the closet and brought the gift and then they returned and saw that both teams and cassie were laughing and then tali sat down again and cassie went to sit on her mom's lap and john gave her his gift and sat down in the chair again and then cassie opened the gift and there was a loud shriek of delight from cassie she then got up and went over to her dad and gave him a big hug as she could manage and then went back to sitting with her mom and ruby asked what is it cassie and cassie said its better to show then explain it really and shows them the present and what she pulled out surprised everyone except her mom and dad it was a suit that looks like her dads and ruby said what about the augmentation needed to wear it and john said it's not my suit version it's a Spartan three version they didn't need augmentation and I just made the plates look like MJOLNIR and cassie do you want to try the suit out and cassie said yes can there be more than just you and me and john said yes who do you want to come along and cassie said yang ruby and pyrrha and john said who is that and the red head girl that has her hair in a ponytail raised her hand and john said ok that's it right honey and cassie said yes what are we doing and john said testing your suit out so go put it on and we'll wait outside in the backyard for you come on ruby, yang and pyrrha and they went out to the back yard and cassie went to her room and put the suit on and went to them in the yard and said how does it look dad and john said it looks beautiful honey and here and hands her a ma5k assault rifle and a m6d pistol with stun rounds and the rifle has the sun rounds as well and john said we will be using stun rounds for this one so here ruby, yang and pyrrha and they accepted the rounds and said how are we doing this all against each other or teams and john said teams I know it's going to be uneven so I am one team leader and cassie is the other one so cassie you choose who's with you and who is not chosen is with me and cassie chose ruby and pyrrha and john gets yang and john said we have a minuet to hide from you guys and he said to yang lets go and they went and ruby cassie and pyrrha was not looking where they went and where they went is to a little forest in the backyard and john had a perfect line of sight on them and yang was just to his right complaining that they were hiding not engaging them and john made a shushing gesture to yang and she was quieted and john then said we are ready come and find us and then they turned around and was looking around and john took that opportunity and used his sniper rifle and hit ruby in the leg with a stun round and said to yang move down to the trees and then said to cassie ruby is out of the testing but she can come along still and then moved down into the trees with yang and then cassie's team was moving into the area with the trees and they were moving below the trees and john then look straight across from the tree he was in and saw yang there and she looked back and saw he was getting his shotgun ready with the stun rounds and john held up three fingers and was counting them down until cassie's team was under them and when the last one was put down john and yang jumped down and surprised them and cassie got yang out and yang got cassie out and john missed pyrrha and was looking around and then saw something move the bush and shot their and pyrrha moved before she got hit and then john hid behind a tree getting his green energy sword ready and came out of cover and saw pyrrha 2 feet away from him and she charged at him and john blocked the attack and then kicked her away and she came and attack again and john didn't have enough time to block it and her sword went through johns suit and hit his heart and everyone stopped and saw what happen and pyrrha said oh god what did I do and I'll go get help and john grabbed her hand and said no don't look and john pulls out her sword and johns back closed up and then everything started to fix itself and they looked confused  and before they started to ask questions john said I have healing powers that I use to heal wounds and it's a side effect of the augmentation they used on me and no you Anya blue and ash do not have it and everyone was still dumbfounded that john healed and pyrrha was the first to speak and she said hmm a man with secrets well this gets interesting very quickly and john then snapped his fingers and everyone except pyrrha regained their senses and cassie said why did you not tell us dad and john said I never felt the need to honey now how did you feel the armor handle cassie and she said it handle well and john said well that's good now let's get back to the house before they want to know what happen and everyone went along with that plan

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