Chapter 18

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Mieko stares at Jack with a surprised rage. "Fine, you wanna ruin our moment then I'll leave you here!" She rushes out of the room. With held back tears, "Why doesn't he love me?" She thinks clutching her pillow with a stream of tears rolling down her cheeks. "I tried to give him his freedom and all I asked is that he love me." She thinks back to the last words Jack had told her, "Go fuck yourself, cause I won't..." She grips the pillow tighter untill it rips. "Fine no more playing nice!" She goes down stairs and pulls a thick black color and a small remote, she then turns to the basement door with a sickening smile,

Aiko and Sara sit in one of Aiko's family car. "Thanks for the that Aiko." Sara says sorting through her bags. "Oh it's fine it's a shame we had to cut it short however." Aiko says checking her phone, "Yeah, I was just worried about my brother is all." Sara says as the car stops infront of Sara's house, Sara steps out with her bag in hand. "I'll see you later Aiko." Sara says waveing as the car drives away, "Later." Aiko says as the windows rolls up, "I wonder what my love has been up to..." She mutters to herself as she watches the house and buildings past with a smile, "Oni-chan I'm home!" Sara shouts as she opens the door,

"Get off of me!" Jack yells trying to fight off Mieko, "Stop fighting me Jack." Mieko says with a glazed stare as she tries to strap the black color around him, Jack knees Mieko in the stomach and throws her off. "I don't know what you want but I won't let you do anything more to me!" Jack pants exhausted from struggling with Mieko. "I tried to be nice to you, and you rejected me, I won't let anyone near you, if your family starts to look for you I'll kill them, if my sister or mother tries to force themselves into our relationship I'll kill them too! I'LL KILL THEM ALL IF IT MEANS I CAN HAVE YOU!!!" She pulls a taser from her pocket and rushes at Jack with a smile across her face. Before he can react she brings it down onto him, Jack screams in agony as it mixes with her sinister laughter, She quickly throws the taser aside and locks the color around his neck, "There now you'll have to obey me." She says pinning his arms down, "Now stop struggling Jack. I know it's natural for couples to fight but your making it difficult." Jack sighs giving up, "What now are you going to rape me again?" He say going limp, "How long are you going to bring that up!" Mieko says, "I tried to explain what happened to you but you freaked out. You tried to run away, you tried to...leave me." She gets up off of Jack and sits across from him, she leans back on the table catching her breath, Jack sits up and puts his back to the wall they both stare into the others eye, One filled with love the other fear, "Why did you  do it.." Jack mutters, Mieko answers in an equally weak response, "I don't know. I thought maybe you wouldn't mind." Jack extends his chain wrist, "Unchain me." He says rattling them, "What makes you think I would do that?!" She says standing up, "Because I want to make a bet with you." He says softly, "Bet? What bet your completely at my mercy!" He lets out a dry and weez like chuckle, "Because you don't want a relationship like that, something like what your mother and father have, as much as I hate to admit it I have a slight understanding of your feelings." Mieko sits back down, and squints and Jack, "What do you think you understand Jack." She say tightening her grip on the controller, "To be honest I was happy when you told me you liked me..." Jack says with a blush and slight smile across his face, "I always felt so awkward and out of place anytime I was out in public, but being with you made me feel ease." They both laugh a bit before going silent again, "I felt jealous of you to you know." Mieko say hiding her face, "The way you could avoid everyone's eye made me jealous of you." Jack sighs looking up at the ceiling, "Can I ask you something?" Jack says with a monotone voice, "Of course." She says perking up, "Will you be truthful with me?" He asks, she hesitates for a moment but agrees, "Will you unchain me? Please, I don't have the energy to run from you anymore." She sighs the throws a pair of keys from her pocket. "I will shock you if you try to run away you know that right." Jack grabs the keys from the floor and all the while a camera silently watches them. "So nice when they get along..." Mrs.Takahashi says as a maid pours her another glass. "Yes it is mistress." The maid responds, "You have a daughter don't you?" Mrs.Takahashi says to the maid while keeping her eyes locked on the screen. The maid flinches, "Y-yes.." she says as the still bottle begins to shake, "Why are you nervous? I'm just talking with you, mother to mother. How old is she?" Her eyes advert from the screen to the maid, "E-eight ma'am." Mrs.Takahashi chuckles, "That's probably the easiest age. Wait till she becomes a teenager." She says redirecting her eyes back to the screen. "I'll keep that in mind ma'am." The maid dose back to being still as the continue to watch the events on the camera unfold. Mieko adverts her eyes and silently grits her teeth, "What...What is this bet."

Aiko steps out of the car with her phone in hand while a maid escorts her, "Did I miss anything while I was gone?" She asks looking up from the screen, "No, nothing interesting has happened." Aiko sighs, "And what about my beloved? How is he?" The maid fall silent, "How is he?" She asks again, stepping inside, "Your sister has a message, it is that you will no longer need to worry about him..." Aiko's screen cracks as she looks back at the maid, "Where. Is. She?" Aiko says with a violent tone.

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