Chapter 27

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After a while Jack steps back into his room and there she sits. It looks like Mieko hasn't moved an inch... He thought to himself as he glanced at her. "Mieko... My parents are flying in today..." Mieko nods, "I know, I know... I'll leave you alone with your... Family." Mieko tilts her head to the side as he eyes dull. "After all... Your still mine at the end of the day, right?" The corners of her mouth twitch a bit almost like she was holding back a smile. Jack freezes,

"What's with that look?" He ask his guard raising as he gets ready for anything. Mieko chuckles darkly as her sudden oddness vanishes almost instantly. "Oh, sorry it's kinda hard to control my... Love." She smiles and Jack looks over her again. There wasn't a trace of the devil that she hides... For now at least. Jack sighs then nods. "O...okay. Then I'll see you in a day or two." Jack says forcing a smile. "Your going to introduce me... Right? I'm sure mother and father has already planned a dinner for everyone."

I sigh, "Yeah, of course. I just want some time to... Calm my parents. We don't need to overwhelm them... Right?" Mieko slowly nods, "Yes... Of course. I'll see you later then. Text me later then okay?" She says with an honest smile, Jack nods and finally breaks his poker face for a smile. "Yeah, I will." He says with a nod. Mieko smiles and kisses Jack on the cheek as she gets up and leaves. She walks down the sidewalk back to her house, a smile and a small blush on her face.

After a while of walking back she opens the door and greeted by a maid. "Young madame, your mother has requested you in her private study." The maid says moving her hand twords the direction of her mother's office. Still in a happy daze she nods not truly hearing the maid. "Yes, yes." She says happily walking twords the office. "Yes mother? What can I do for you?"

She says in a happy and upbeat tone. Her mother stands with her back to Mieko but a large smile.

Jack and Sara sit on there couch waiting for there parents to arrive. "Maybe we should have when to the airport and waited for them." Sara says nervously while she squirms on the couch. Jack sighs as he leans back on the couch. "There fine sis." Jacks phone buzzed and he look down at it. "See, just got a text from mom. There almost here."

He says showing her the text. Sara looks to the side a frown on her face. "I just... I just feel bad. They had to cancel there important business trip because of me... I should have just checked at your girlfriends house first... I just... I just..."

Jack see her eyes begin to well up with tears as he places his hand on her head with a smile. "It's fine. I'm lucky to have you, your always so worried about me. It makes me happy." Jack says as Sara jumps over the cushion to hug him. Jack smiles as he hugs her back, it was nice, to not have to worry about the hell he'd seen in the past mouths. Maybe for today he could let his guard down and enjoy the day with his family.

He wouldn't let the insanity that was his girlfriend and her even crazier family to hurt his. Jack and Sara's ears perk up as there door unlocks and there parents walk in. "Mom, Dad!" Sara says tackling there parents with a hug. Jack remains silent as he stands there for a few moments, but he too goes to hug them. "Jack!" His mother says embracing him tightly, "We were so worried when your sister called us! But I'm glad your alright."

She says letting go and whipping a tear from her eyes. "Thanks mom, sorry for worrying you, both of you. I was... At a friend's house." Jack's parents eyes widen in surprise, he had when his entire school life without a single friend and now suddenly a girlfriend? Jack's mother smiles, "That's great! When can I meet her?" She says excitedly, Jack's father is silent for a moment before speaking.

"Can you call her? I'd like to meet her as well." Jack scratches his head, "Sure, but maybe you'd like to rest after your trip?

Mieko stands in front of her mother. "Mom? How can I help you." Mieko says crossing her arms. "Mieko... How far?" She asks sitting down in her chair. "How far for what mother? Please... Be specific." Mieko says with a raised brow. Her mother stands up and walks over to her putting an arm around her shoulder,

"How far is to far for you? Can you truly say you love Jack if your not able to go above and beyond?" Mieko removes her mother's arm and steps back. "Mother, while I appreciate your advice I have developed a strategy to win my beloveds affection." Mieko says bowing before turning around to leave. The smile on her mother's face turns sour. "No... You need to do this in order for him to love you. There's just no other way." Her mother's voice becoming nervous. Mieko clenches her first trying not to lose her cool.

"Mother... If I may, while yes my relationship has been blooming with Jack... I feel like it's because of my efforts. The killings, the bag of kidnapping supplies, keeping him in the basement. All these things have two things in common... One they were your ideas... Two they were the... Things Jack hates about me." Her mother's eyes twitch. "I... See. That is ashame, maybe your sister is the better match for Jack..."

Mieko's eyes widen in rage, "What?! Why because I want to try a different method?!" Her mother turns around and Aiko walks past her a smile on her face. "Great choice mother. I'm sure my beloved will be much happier with me." She Snickers and looks at her sister. "Wait a damn-" Two men grab Mieko and keep her held down. "Take her away." Her mother says as the men drag Mieko away.

Sorry for such a late upload, my internet cut out.

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