Chapter 24

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Aiko and Jack walk down the street. Aiko happily walks beside him with a smile on her face. "Thank you Jack. For giving me a chance." Jack nods while watching his back, "It's fine. As long as your me or sister our mother shouldn't bother you. Please what would you like to do? I want to help you calm down. I do care about you but not like them, I don't want to force you. In fact if you want me to leave, I'll leave."

She says with a slightly sad tone. Jack shakes his head. "No please stay. I'd rather you around than Mieko." He says with a smile, Aiko's smile immediately brightens up, "Really? You mean it? I can stay?" She says with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Well your sister and mother are nuts. I'd much rather be around someone I know they won't kill." Aiko smiles, it made Jack a bit scared with how she suddenly got clingy. Aiko tackles Jack and they fall into a bush next to the sidewalk. "Jack... Likes me?" Her smile became shaky and she began to lean in for a kiss. Her grip became tight and possessive. "Are you mine Jack?" Her eyes became hazy as if she had been possessed. Fear begins to take over Jack as he starts to shake.

"A-Akio... Please." Jack closes his eyes and turns his head. Aiko's eyes became clear as she jumps away from Jack. "I'm so sorry! My mother's blood kicked in and I lost myself. I'm not used to being loved, people tend to choose sister over me... I'm not used to being held above her..." Jack gets up and and dust himself off. He sighs a bit and takes a moment to think.

"It's fine. I guess living with them would drive anyone a bit crazy." He says patring her head. "R-really? I can stay and you'll keep liking me?" She says getting closer. Her hands starts to twitch as she feels her urge to take him take over. "Sure... Come on it looks like it about to rain soon." Jack says looking up at the sky. "Right." Aiko says stopping her hand.

Jack and Aiko start to walk down the street again both still a bit embarrassed around each other. "This is working out so well!!" Aiko thinks to herself as she scoots closer and closer to him.

"I can't believe I let my true feeling slipped there for a moment maybe if I gain his trust he'll feel comfortable around me... Then I can take him I'd never be sister or mother in a fight for him but that doesn't mean I can't use my head to take him.

Yeah I'll rent a cabin in the middle of nowhere using cash we'll disappear together. I'll save Jack for my dirty whorish sister yes don't worry Jack no don't worry darling I will protect you from them."

Aiko's hand grazes Jack's as her face turns blood red. She was so close to him she could take him, but no. She need to wait to gain his trust, like a fly in a spider's web she'd just have to wait until her sister dose something drastic again then she'll have her prize.

Aiko leans up to Jack and begins to whisper in his ear. "Jack... Can I ask a favor from you?" She says in a hushed whisper with a very clear sedative tone. Jack looks back at her with a nervous yet curious look. "Yeah, What up?" He leans back a bit trying to get a bit of distance between them. "Tell me I'm better than my sister.

I'm getting hooked on the thought. Please..." She says stepping closer. "I don't think I'm normal, but I want you to treat me like a normal girl. Please?" She says as the desperation begins to take hold in her voice. Aiko scoots closer to Jack and Jack places his hand on her head. "Umm, what should I say?" He asks rubbing her head. Aiko is dazed for a moment enjoying being spoiled.

"Just say I'm better. Just say I'm special." She says softly as she gets on the tips of her toes like a cat would when getting affection. Aiko starts to even do I little soft pur. "Jack chuckles as they walk. "Your special and and your very brave for going against your mother's ways." Aiko's ours louder and she takes Jack's hand and begins to gently bite down on one of his fingers.

"I like this... Your so... Tasty Jack." Aiko giggles as she lets go of his finger. She didn't bite down hard. At least not hard enough to break his skin, but just hard enough to make him uncomfortable. Jack gulps and wipes his finger off. "Please don't do that again." He says creeped out. Aiko looks at him with wide and unnerving eyes as she nods.

"Okay." She says her eyes not budging a bit. The two now walk in silence until finally reaching the theater. "What should we watch?" She ask looking at the various movies the theater is playing. "Well I wanted to see the new horror movie, but after what I've been through I'm fine with anything but." He says with an exhausted sigh. Aiko nods and goes to buy a few tickets for a movie. "Here let me help."

Jack says pulling out his wallet. "Please Jack." Aiko says putting her hand on him. "Don't worry about it. Think of this like an apology for what my family has done to you. I'll also buy some drinks and snacks as well." Jack shakes his head. "Okay then I'll pay for the snacks then." He says going to go buy the snacks.

Aiko grabs his arm, not hard like Mieko would but more like a child grabbing at there mother. "Nooo!" She says childlike and she even puffs out her cheeks. Jack turns back to her and can't help but laugh at her appearance. "Don't laugh!" She says playfully hitting his arm. "Sorry, Sorry." He says smiling. "It's just your cute when you're angry like that."

Sorry for the late upload...

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