Chapter 23

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Jack and Mr.Takahashi stand frozen in Mrs.Takahashis gaze. "Dear. This has to stop. You've ruined his life." Mr.Takahashi says with a stern tone, Mrs.Takahashis eyes begin to twitch, "Ruined? He's going to marry your daughter. Aren't you happy for her?" She asks taking a step forward. "Yes she is. After she manipulated, drugged and raped him!" He screams. Mrs.Takahashi remains silent, before turning to me.

"Jack. Do you love me daughter?" He remain silent, "Jack, be honest I promise whatever my wife said to you about your parents... I'll make sure it won't happen." Mr.Takahashi says assuring him. Jack takes a breath then stands up. "Mieko scares me. I had to indulge her last night because she threatened my family... But I don't know how I feel about her... I hate her but at the same time I care about her... She killed someone over me... Yet she's the only person who I feel like I care about..."

Jack sighs and shakes his head. "She's nuts...but I still care for her..." Mr and Mrs.Takahashi stand there silent, I look to my left and see Mrs.Takahashi, the devil in this situation, and to my right Mr.Takahashi the angel in this situation. Mrs.Takahashi smirks, "See dear, he clearly understands dispite the bad there is still love!" She says with a smile, "... You may be right." He turns and looks at Jack, "Jack. If you can would you try and change my daughter? I love her, and I don't want to see her follow her predecessors paths." I hesitate and nod.

"Or you can just accept my daughter as she is. She is a lovely girl whose love no bounds." Mrs.Takahashi says with a smile. I remain silent for a moment. "I don't know what will happen. I'm still working out my own feelings, "I pick up my phone from the table and put the battery back in. "I have to go. Go day to both of you." I say turning my back to them. "Good day!" Mrs.Takahashi says with excited wave.

"I hope you find a way through this." Mr.Takahashi says with a nod. Jack walks through the park with a racing mind, "what the hell am I goig to do?!" He thinks signing. "First I meet two crazy rich girls, then it turns out there mother is even crazier!" Jack goes to leave the park but someone blocks his way. "Jack..." Aiko says with her mouth twitching between a smile and a frown. "Mother said you'd take my first... I want it. Now!" She says stomping her foot,


Jack glares at her with annoyed eyes, "Aiko... Why do you like me?" He says tilling his head, Aiko blushes and smiles, "Well, your handsome, kind, and..." She goes quite. Then her hands start to shake, " be honest when I heard my sister wanted you it only made me want you more. You acted so different around me and it made me feel..."

She shivers clearly enjoying the memories a bit to much. "I feel so happy around you." Her voice becomes shaky and desperate, "I need you. I can't live without you!" She pulls out a knife that is stained with blood, "Look Jack!" She says pulling up her sleeve revealing long cuts along her arms, "Look! Look! I like to cut myself because mother and father love sister more than me!"

She says stepping closer to Jack, "Please. Tell me you love me and not her. If you don't I'll kill myself!" She says in an odd giggly voice. She rushes Jack and raps her arms around his neck before kissing him. "Please Jack." She says going from a giggly voice to a soft low voice. "Please love me. I promise that I'm different from my mother and sister. I just want love, not devotion like them.

As long as at the end of the day you come back to me I don't care what you do..." She hugs Jack gently and tightly. "Please. I do love you like a normal person." Jack looks at her confused, but before he can answer, "Jack? Sister..." Mieko says her voice getting much more annoyed as she looks at her sister. "Mieko..." Aiko says looking back to her sister. Mieko smile with a dull stare.

"Jack's mine sister. Why don't you go ask out his sister? I'm sure that you can have her." Mieko says with a small laugh, Aiko eyes go dull like her sisters, "..." Jack notices that there something different in her eyes. "No. Mother said to share." She grabs Jack's arm and cuddles up to him, "Jack take me to the movies, after I can show you a... Pure girls body."

She looks at her sister, "Unlike my dear Oni-chan I don't... Ruin my body." Mieko glares and grits her teeth. "Please, my body is perfect unlike you." She grabs Jack arm and start to storm off. "Come Jack we're going on a date!, Jack pulls his arm away, "No." She says going back to Aiko. "Your mother forced me to love you both. Today I'll spend time with Aiko."

Mieko flinches and her breath begins to quicken. "Why? Why would you spend time with her? She just a useless bitch." Mieko turns away then smiles. "Oh I get it. You want to have dinner before the sweet dissert." She giggles and turns to Akio. "Enjoy being my stepping stone Aiko." She says as she skips back to her limo.

"Just ignore her." Jack says smiling at Aiko. "T-thank you..." Aiko says with a slight stutter. Jack chuckles out of the two sisters Aiko was definitely winning his heart. Mieko enters the limo and starts laugh, a slight chuckle at first but slowly her light chuckle becomes more and more sinister and after a moment she becomes unable to control herself. "Young miss." A maid asks sitting next to her not concerned.

"Yes?" She says calming down, "Should I follow them?" Mieko shakes her head. "No, I know what Aiko's plan is... She thinks that if she plays the sane one she thinks that she can temp my darling Jack..." The maids doesn't react. "Aren't you worried?" The maids asks, Mieko shakes her head. "No, Aiko is more cruel and cunning than me... Give it times she'll crack and Jack will see who is the real monster."

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