Just a Quick Fuck ~FoolSam~

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Just a quick A/N. I have a few oneshot ideas in mind but I would appreciate some requests. With that, enjoy the first thing I've published in fucking forver < 3

As usual, Sam was horny. And being stuck in the house with his partners wasn’t helping his issue much since neither of them had a sex drive nearly as high as Sam’s. Unlike his partners Sam would start to get needy quickly, wanting to have sex every day near enough. But as suspected, Ponk couldn’t keep up with Sam’s constant need for sex and pleasure. But the creeper always knew Foolish would happily help with his problems, in any way he could. Whether that was ravaging Sam or rather gentle sex, Foolish was down for anything. 

Currently, Sam was in the kitchen washing the dishes, trying to ignore his steadily hardening dick. He didn't know why or how this problem arose, but it had and Sam knew he wouldn't be able to take care of it himself without at least one of his partners walking in. So he just hoped it would go away if he ignored it. He was considering asking Ponk if they could have sex, but he didn’t want to overwhelm the younger, and Foolish wasn’t going to be back for a while, so there was only two options here, take care of it himself and risk getting punished, or he waited for the totem to get back. But instead of doing that Sam went into the living room where Ponk was watching a movie. He wrapped his arms around the younger one from behind the sofa, smiling and kissing his neck. Ponk giggled and ruffled Sam’s hair. 

“What’s wrong darling?” Ponk questioned while turning to face the older. In response, Sam hurried his face in the younger's neck, accidentally brushing his crotch against the back of the sofa. A small whine left his mouth at this, and Ponk started to panic. When he heard Sam whine he immediately thought Sam was upset. Nothing was said between them, and Ponk started running Sam’s hair through his fingers. He didn’t want to ask what was wrong, so he stayed here for a while, brushing his fingers through Sam’s hair while he whined. But Ponk soon realised the way Sam was rutting onto the sofa. He pushed Sam so he stood up, and sighed. “So you were just getting off to that huh?”

“Can we please just do it? I need the pleasure!” Sam whined, pressing his thighs together in a desperate attempt to regain the feeling of something grinding against his dick. 

“I'm not in the mood right now Sammy. Was me pounding your ass not enough last night? Well slut if you really want it that badly you can wait for Foolish to get back” Ponk smirked, smiling at the noise Sam made in response. 

“Please master! I can’t wait for Foolish to get back, he’s going to be so long!” Sam complained.

“I don’t give a fuck Sam, I’m not in the mood for sex right now, so it’s either you be a good boy and wait, or touch yourself and get punished. Either way, I don’t care right now, I’m waiting for someone to call me right now and I need to answer, I can’t risk not being here when they call. Be a good boy and wait for Foolish yeah?” 

Despite being agonisingly horny, Sam agreed to wait. And he waited for another hour before Foolish came home. When the totem walked into the living room, he was almost immediately tackled into a hug by Sam. He laughed slightly and started petting the smaller hybrid that was clung to him, followed by picking up the creeper and carrying him fully into the room. Foolish smiled at his other partner and planted a kiss on his head. 

"So what's wrong with this one now? Pissed at you for a punishment or something?" The totem smiled, sitting on the sofa next to Ponk and allowing the smaller to curl into his side. 

"He's horny and I have a phone call to take soon so he's mad at me for not fucking him" Ponk sighed, glancing over to Sam who was playfully glaring at him, his tongue stuck out slightly. Foolish rolled his eyes and started slowly kissing down Sam's neck, biting every so often. He didn't want to start pleasing the creeper right away. So instead he just kept teasing, only to stop seconds later. This process repeated multiple times, Sam whining and trying to grind onto Foolish. He couldn't take much more without disobeying his rules, and he didn't want to do that right now, especially since he'd already pissed off one of his Doms. He didn't want to annoy both of them, he just wanted to obey his rules but Foolish was making that increasingly hard to do. Sam was trying to figure out why his master was making him wait so long, he knew he was horny, so why wasn't he just giving him what he wanted? He hadn't broken any rules so there was no reason for Foolish to be denying him. Yet Sam didn't want to annoy his partners further, so he stayed straddling Foolish's lap, burying his head into the totem’s chest and whining silently to himself as he was continuously teased. Having his Masters close to him made Sam overly aware of how much noise he was making and how much noise he was making. He was willing to keep quiet and he was going to do that no matter what he had to do. From biting Foolish’s shirt to biting his lip so hard he bled, Sam tried everything so he could be quiet for his masters.

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