HipsterStickz: Chris Kendall

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"Are you taking a picture of your food, Chris?"

You grin slightly as Chris lifts the Camera lens to his face. "Psh--no--I was uh--capturing the perfection that the chef has perfected into this meal."

You laugh. "Uh huh. Yeah. Whatever you say, Hipsterstickz."

He sets the camera down and stares at you. "I'll have you know that I am no hipster. I am a man. The manliest of all men. Now shutup and uh drink your tea."

He picks his camera back up and fiddles with the lense. You push your tea away and look down at your phone to open instagram. You laugh.

"Nope. That is definantly not hipster at all." You point to your phone at the pic he just uploaded. He pouts.

"Can I not experiment with new things without you judging me? You're supposed to be my girlfriend, not my life coach."

You lean over and kiss from his cheek to the corner of his lips, A flash of red floods his face.

"I'm only teasing."

He smiles and laughs softly, leaning over to give your lips a soft gentle peck. "Fine but the next time you make a hipster joke, I'll be doing something involving hips alright." He winks at you and you laugh.

"You dirty little freak."

He smiles and whispers in your ear. "But I'm your freak."

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