Happy Anniversary: PJ Ligouri

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"Do we have to do this right now, Pj? It's our anniversary don't fuck it up."

He glared at you. "Really? You're telling me not to fuck it up? Me for fuck's sakes! You're mad because I brought you to a fancy dinner. What kind of girlfriend gets mad at that?"

You sigh. "Pj, I love you. And I know this is important to you. But I didn't want you to spend all of this money on me!"

He scooted closer to you. "Babe. It's our three year anniversary. I wanted to make this as important and special to you as possible.So please. Just forget about the money and be happy and celebrate with me."

You bite your lip and then kiss him. "Alright but on our next anniversary let's just go to the beach or something."

He smiles. "Well what about a wedding?"

You stop. "What?"

He slowly gets down on one knee. "Y/n, I spent so much money on this for this very reason. Will you do me the honors and marry me?"

You smile and grab his hand. "Yes."

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