Dan's Last Breath: Dan Howell and Phil Lester

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Dan grabbed his cell phone and dialed Phils number.

“I’ll be there in about five minutes Phil. Get the video games ready cause Im going to kick your ass.”

Dan hangs and and steps into the street. URRRRRRRRRR! He looked up just as the car came and sent him rolling under its wheels.

Emergency vehicles came and raced him to the hospital. 

About 15 minutes later, Phil shows up and paces outside of Dans hospital room door. A doctor came out. “Is he going to be okay?”

The doctor smiled. “He’s going to be just fine. Would you like to see him?”

Phil runs into his room without even answering him.


Dan was slightly bruised. There were no other marks on his body. Dan smiled at him.


Tears fill Phil’s eyes. “I thought I was about to lose my best friend.” He whispers.

Dan motions him close to him and Phil lets the other boy hug him while he cried. He sat with Dan and talked for a few hours.

“Oh! Can I see your Phone? Mine kind of got broke in the accident. I want to tweet my fans and tell them im okay.” 

Phil smiles and lends him his phone.

Tweet: Guys I know you heard about my accident. Im just fine. No need to worry about me. So expect my liveshow Tuesday night :)

Dan gives Phil back his phone and smiles. “Do you mind if I sleep? Im kind of tired.”

Phil smiles. “Sure. But Im going to sit in the chair over there until you wake up.”

Dan nods and closes his eyes, soon sleeping his tiny heart beat away.

Phil suddenly wakes up to a beeping.

Dans heart monitor. —————-

Phil jumps up from the seat. “HELP!!! HELP PLEASE!!!”

He runs over to Dan and shakes him. Two nurses rush in and feel Dan’s pulse, only to shake their head slightly, with sadness filling their eyes.

Phil dropped to his knees at Dans bedside. “No….NO. You cant leave me Dan. Please! YOU CANT LEAVE ME! WAKE UP DAN WAKE UP PLEASE!!!”

The nurses tried to pull Phil away but to no avail.

He stayed at his bedside until they came and took his body.

Tuesday night came and Phil sat at the computer. He pulled up YouNow and signed in to Dans liveshow.

“Hi guys. Umm Dan couldnt make it.”

Tears pour down Phil’s face.

“We thought he was okay. But, he had internal bleeding. It was too late to even help him. And I was asleep. I didnt even get to say goodbye. I—”

Phil put his face in his hands and sobbed. “I lost my best friend. My brother. And I wont ever get him back.”

He wiped at his eyes. “I wanted to tell all of you. Because it would be wrong not to. And I couldnt do it on twitter. I thought I should do it, face to face. Because you deserve that. He loved each and every one of you. And I know he’ll miss all of you. And—”

“Im sorry I cant finish this live show.”

Phil logs off and sags to the ground, burying his face into hands and pulling his knees to his chest. “I miss you.”

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