Stray Animal: Pj Ligouri

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"No but guys. Listen. I'm going to do another exploring video with you guys. It's going to be one of my best."

He stops looking at the camera and turns his head. Cocking his head to the side, he yells "Y/n you're ruining the video."

"It'll be fine, Peej."

He smiles. "It's ok. I'll just tell them that a wild animal burst through my front door."

"That is so rude."

"Hmmm what shall you be? A squirrel maybe? No that's too cute. Oooh I know. A skunk."

You throw a kitchen towel at him. He smiles and motions you to him.

"Look who just waltzed in the door. I love it when she doesn't knock."

You laugh and he leans down to kiss you but then he swiftly turns to the camera and says, "Nuh uh uh." before covering the lense with his hand and covering your lips with his.

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