Ch. 3: A Loud's Rage

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*We Arrive At Lincoln's Family's House*

Me: The Loud House, every time I stopped watching it ever since the end of season 3...

Lincoln: Are you here to help me fight back? Or rant about my family?

Me: Sorry, my bad... *I Somehow Spark My Lightsaber and i Use it to Cut A Telephone Pole, Knocking the power out in the neighborhood and we quickly hide at the side of the house* Now, They Are gonna get together and figure out what to do. I can use the force to find Lily and we can get her safe.

Lincoln: And then After that?

Me: Make them Spring A Trap.

*Me and Lincoln Fist Bump, I stand at a safe spot in the backyard, I activate my Invisibility and I use the force to Find Lily and safely float her out of the window, She was about to fuss but now seeing Lincoln, She decided to be silent and smile for a bit. I slowly bring her down to Lincoln without dropping her, When suddenly...*

???: Hey You!

*I reveal myself to Lori and The Others who seemed to have opened the back door*

*I reveal the same mist going into Lincoln's System, Angering him*

Lincoln: I have had it up to here with my own family not understanding, what I went through, hold her for me. I'm going to turn the whole loud family into human pretzels! *Lincoln hands Lily to me, Lily seemed to be confused for a second of what Lincoln was going to do, but then hearing all the clashing, crashing, and breaking... She now understands what Lincoln was going to do.*

*Meanwhile Inside*

Lincoln (Anger): I've rotted and worked in this house for all of you, For God Knows Long, Yet all in return, it's just a kick to the face and abuse.

Lori: What are you talking about?

Lincoln (Anger): Says the one who's calling me a twerp... I wouldn't be the sibling of the one who blasted me into the wall with Speakers... "Referring to Luna"

*Luna Gulps*

Lincoln: Not even a sibling of an April fool's Menace.

*Luan was taken aback in shock*

Lincoln: Perhaps not even a sibling of a Tattletale blackmail Brat disguised as a princess.

Lola: Take it Back!

Lincoln: Wait till I get going! You Daughter of a B****!

*Everyone was shocked that Lincoln Used Profanity*

Lynn Sr: Lincoln, that is enough!

Lincoln: I'm sorry who the hell are you?! While they busted every bone in my body... You did nothing but watch... You hid in your room while this Sibling Fight Protocol Madness was going on. You even agreed along with Lynn Jr to throw me outside, I can actually arrest you for that but I didn't... Do any of you know how long i have been wearing that Squirrel Suit?? NOBODY ASKED YOU TO COUNT LISA!!!

*Lisa was dumbfounded, and her head lowered*

Lincoln: Guess What, I have had it up to here with being abused and pushed away when I was only trying to help or get the job done... So I am leaving, with Lily to raise her right, something you failed to do.

Lori: You are not leavi- *Interrupted by Lincoln Punching Her Critically to the face*

Lincoln: Yes, I am, You W****.



*The Volume Shook the House, Everyone was Frightened, And Rita felt her heart Shatter*

Lincoln: If you were my real mother, you would have stood by my side the whole time... Defended me, and you didn't do any of that... It's over. *Takes a Grill fork and throws it at the wall with frightening strength, and Leaves using the door, Lynn Jr felt like she had enough So She Charged for Lincoln, Only For Lincoln to move out of the way, And I Came In Blasting Lynn Jr To A Pulp, She was Thrown into the Wall right below where the Grill fork was thrown*

Me: Unlucky...

Lynn Sr: Who The Hell Are You!?

Lincoln: This Is My Sibling Figure, Joshua.

Luna: No way he is better than me...

Me: I Don't have to be, Lesbian Scum, Sam would be displeased of you and your sibling's actions.

*Luna was Agitated, was about to charge, But Rita and Lynn Sr stood In Front*


Lynn Sr: WE STOOD OUT OF THE WAY FOR LONG ENOUGH... YOU 9 ARE GROUNDED, UNTIL WE ARE TO GET LINCOLN AND LILY BACK NICELY, BELT TREATMENT FOR DISOBEDIENCE, AND NO MORE HOBBIES... and you... "Referring to Me" Take Care Of Our Son and Littlest, otherwise I'm going to put you in a place you regret for a long time.

Me: I wouldn't put it any other way.

Rita: If Lincoln and Lily need all this time to be raised right, and To receive all this helpfulness and reward he wants... I need to go with them.

Lynn Sr: Are you Sure?

Rita: I Am.

Lynn Sr: Stay Safe...

Rita: I Will, We're leaving, Let's go.

*Rita leaves with Lincoln and Lily*

Me: The minute I hear you girls disobeying your father again, I'm coming back... And I'm turning this household into a wreck. *I leave and catch up with The Others*

Luan: What have we done...

Lynn Sr: You have done enough, Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes... Use that time to think about what you done, MOVE.

*The Sisters Scatter up to their rooms and shut their doors*


Me: So what made you want to come with us?

Rita: Admitted that you were right... By what Lincoln told us about what we did, while the sisters beat him to a pulp... I knew I couldn't just sit on the sidelines anymore... I was a mother for a reason and I had to bring that side out.

Lincoln: I need to apologize if I ever said anything harsh.

Rita: Lincoln, Sweetie you had every right to feel what you are feeling right now, you shouldn't be the one who should apologize.

Lincoln: I slammed a desk in my classroom... Causing a 3 week suspension.

Rita: WHAT!?

Me: It's true, now realizing his sister's intentions... His anger released, Just couldn't take it anymore, he went beast mode and absolutely roared with hate about his sisters, Lily discluded.

Rita: Poor thing... Lincoln, now that I look back, I feel extremely guilty for not stepping up for you.... I'm really sorry.

Lincoln: Mom, It's Okay...

Rita: No, It Isn't.

Lincoln: Mom, Please... I understand you were trying to keep the balance... It happens...

Rita: This is where I Change, I Am Helping You and Lily Be raised right.

Me: I know a place where we can go. *I Summon a Portal And We Went Inside*


Once you raise your weapon in Anger, There is no putting it back down.

F.R.O.G. (Crossover Story, Warvengers X The Simpsons X The Loud House X StH)Where stories live. Discover now