Ch. 5: Dinner Chaos

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???: SSSKKKIIIIINNNNNNEEERRRRRRRR!!! Are you telling me that you hired a stranger to do counseling with Bart Simpson?

Skinner: Yes Sir, I Did.

Chalmers: I would sure like to hear a good news at this point..

???: And You Will.

Chalmers: And you are?

Me: I would be that stranger that succeeded in counseling with Bart.

Chalmers: Really?

Me: Yes sir, I take it you must be Superintendent Chalmers.

Chalmers: Why Yes, Thank You for noticing. *I shake his hand*

Skinner: So come clean with me, how did it go with Bart?

Me: It Seems like he was willing to cooperate... It almost felt like our experience with our lives just matched completely... I even gave him my calling card in case if anything goes wrong.

Chalmers: Skinner, I'm hearing a lot from this man... It's almost as if he had the force to succeed in his mission to do counseling with Bart Simpson.

Me: And you would actually be right, Sir?

Chalmers: You know how to use the force? How?

Me: Experience. The greatest teacher, failure is...

Skinner: Then you have my gratitude... I would like to offer you a job as Springfield Elementary's Nurse and Counselor.

Chalmers: But of course, you would need to think about it first.

Me: Indeed... I will keep that in mind, Thanks for hiring me... But unfortunately I don't know much about nursing or being a doctor.

Chalmers: You don't specifically have to be a nurse at all times... We could just hire you as the school's counselor and that'll be it.

Me: Okay if I have some time to think about it?

Skinner: Hmmm... *He and Chalmers whisper to each other* You may take as much time as you need to.

Me: Thank you, sir. *Phone Rings, I stop it* Spam call... I just hate Spam Calls. *Phone Rings Again* I gotta take this one. *Answers* Yello?

Marge: Hi, Am I speaking to this counselor that Bart spoke with today?

Me: Why yes that would be "he." *Chuckles* Seriously, please call me "Joshua."

Marge: I would like to invite you for dinner tonight.

Me: Are you Sure?

Marge: Yes, from what Bart has told me, he got along really well with you, as if you were his older brother figure...

Me: That good?

Marge: Apparently so, I have never seen him this honest with himself.

Me: I accept your dinner invitation I'll be there at 5:00.

Marge: Hope To See you there.

Me: At Once, Ma'am. *Hangs up with a Smile*

Chalmers: Who was that?

Me: That would be Bart's mother, she just invited me to dinner, before I accept this job request, I must know, what are the hours like?

Skinner: Well, it doesn't have to be every school day, but our assistant counselor... Isn't really earning the student's hearts...

*Flashes to Moe*

Moe: Yeah kid, you got a real problem with youse... So get out of my office! *Cocks Shotgun and the kid runs out*

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