chapter 5

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Putting on his outfit from before and all his knifes and guns. He went to the asylum that held his beloved. It was mid day so he would he seen easily as his outfit was more of so, for night. Walking in he saw a nurse and he killed her before going to the cells.

M/n was fought by guards immediately. They gave him pills that knocked him out before stripping him, throwing all his stuff in a box in the head doctors office. And he layed there as the head doctor of the asylum talk to the head guard.

"Is he asleep?" The guard asked and the nurse nodded. "He is one of the worlds most wanted criminals. I think they'll put him on death row. What a idiot."

"I say your right. But for now he has to go in a cell. We need government officials not our local police."

"How fast can they get here."

"Tomorrow morning." She said looking at the limp body backing away.

"Can't be sooner." The head guard said as he ordered two of his men to take him to a special confinement cell.

They threw him in the cell and waited before walking off.

As m/n heard the footsteps disappear he got up and went to the wall. "Danny!" He yelled but not to loud.

As m/n read over the paperwork he was sent by his old friend hannibal something caught his eyes.

This asylum has 3 extreme containment cells in the farthest back. With hight security doors just to get to the area but counting the cells alone.

They keep them right beside each other. Danny is in one so the chances of being next to his cell is a 50/50 percent.

Hearing nothing he ran to the opposite wall and tried again. The silence was agonizing. Another mintue of it and he sunk again the wall sliding down it to the floor.

"M/n?" A voice said. And this made m/n jump up.

"Danny?!" He asked back.

"Yeah. What are you doing here! I thought you retired ages ago!"

"I did," m/n said with a small chuckle. "Here to get ya out. Well and my boyfriend."


"Yeah bob velseb he-"

"The cannibal!" Danny asked excited before sounded like he gasped. "Wait bob velseb?"

"Yeah. Do you meet him?" M/n asked happily.

"No. But you knew me i know everything around here."

"Yeah I know. Your the Lecter of killers." M/n joked.

"But regardless. M/n he's being sent somewhere different."

"When!" M/n asked panicked.

"Tomorrow kid." Danny said. M/n thought for a moment. 'Shit' with a sigh he almost gave up. If he didn't get a idea.

"Danny?" He asked quietly.


"Tell me everything you know about this place and the people in it."


"Are you sure about this?"


"Well if my wife kinds out I'm here I'm in deep shit."

HE'S MINE STAY AWAY FROM HIM! {Bob velseb x m.reader}Where stories live. Discover now