chapter 8

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When m/n woke he was in a car with bob, hannibal, and Michael. Him and bob in the back, he was laying on bob, and the other two in the front.

"Ah good morning m/n. We are going to my house, moving far from there is best."

"But my," m/n tried to say as he felt bob shuffle slightly in his sleep.

"Truck?" Hannibal said with a soft smile cutting him off. "Danny is taking it to my house. Your lucky my house is quite hidden from the world. Its wanted, extremely wanted as much as you are."

"I can't just get rid of it its my," cut off once again.

"Your baby, you've had it since you found drive and its still like brand new. From looks to how it rides. Yes we know, but a color change and plate won't change your sweet baby much will it?"

"No, suppose your right." M/n said. He would have to change it. Change everything. This isn't over no. Its just started. We have a love journey ahead of us.

I apologize for no chapters of anything, i had my Christmas break and my birthday today so i wasn't on much either but i felt bad so here a filler :')

HE'S MINE STAY AWAY FROM HIM! {Bob velseb x m.reader}Where stories live. Discover now