ex | jayklickin |

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monday march 26th



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(B.S by jhene aiko, H.E.R)
i just seen your new bitch,
it boost myslef esteem
pack up all my bullshit
pack up on the scene
done dealing with you
dont know how to deal with me
done fucking with you
dont know how to love me done dealing..

the song was playing while nia was walking to the nearest store to pick up some dinner at like 7:30 pm

her and her ex boyfriend jay recently broke about two weeks ago,

she still hasnt fully gotten over it, but he already got a new girl

so she forced herself not to think about him

as she walks into the chipotle by her house she sees someone she thought she wouldnt even see again


i quickly look away and walk up to order

and of course.

he walks up to me, just my luck.

"hey nia" he says looking at me

"oh uh hey jay"

"how have you been?" he asks, we literally saw eachother two weeks ago, hes acting like its been fucking years

"uhm good?" i say not trying to sound rude

"how are you and.... uh whats her name-"


i nod my head

"well im not fw with her anymore so.." he says

i just look at him giving an akward smile before i start to walk away

"nia do you think we could maybe hangout sometime, again?"

i look at him weirdly, i didnt wanna see him.

"uh well i have been really busy lately so i dont know if i could."

he gives me a pleading look

"oh are you sure we couldnt like, idk just stop by the deli?" he just doesnt get it.

"look jay, i dont wanna see you, im sorry i jst didnt wanna sound disrespectful"

"you dont wanna see me? we both know thats a lie." soooooo true. i jst didnt want to admit it

"yk i wanna see you but i cant, we broke up, clearly there was a reason to why we did and that jst proves that maybe we werent meant to be, i love you, i really really do but jst not as i used to." i say

he stays silentfor a moment

"nia, i miss you okay? dont be like that, we are meant to be yk this the only reason we broke up was because of stupid ass rumors that arent true, i love you dont do this to me."

"if you love me so much then we did you get with her huh?" i say getting louder

"because nia i was bored okay! i needed you but i couldnt have you back, but now i can if you just let me prove that i do need you!"

i shake my head laughing, probably looking crazy asf rn

"i cant do this w you jay, not anymore."

"nia please" his voice cracking

"nah jay i hope you do well" i say walking away

i did need him, but i couldnt do that shit anymore, i love him to death and i always will. but right now i needa focus on myself and myself only.

lmaoo heyy yall i aint post yesterday cause i was busy asf😔

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lmaoo heyy yall i aint post yesterday cause i was busy asf😔

but anyways

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