more than friends | notti osama |

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tuesday september 13th


"alright yall we get itt" dd says ad me and notti are all cuddled up

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"alright yall we get itt" dd says ad me and notti are all cuddled up

"and yall say yall only friends" ddot says rolling his eyes

"because we are" i say laughing before we all go to the kitchen

and i stand by the counter as notti comes up behind me and puts his head on my shoulder kissing my neck a little

i giggle (its okay i hate that word too)

"okay we should do like a cookie contest, like who csn make the best cookies" i say turning to all three of them

"shi i call being with nailea" notti says going to the fridge getting our ingredients

dd and ddot roll there eyes dabbing eachother up bc they thought they was finna win

"nigga you always tryna be on her side" ddot says grabbing their ingredients as well

me and dd go to grab some aprons for us

"nah nah nah i want this one" i say grabbing the one he had in his hand taking it from him

he says something but i couldnt hear due to notti pulling me over to him giving me a hug

i hug back cuddling into his neck

"okay guys lets start this shit i cannot bear to see this anymore" ddot says wiping his fake tears, his jealous ass

me and notti start mixing our dry and wet ingredients together and i go to grab the flour

i put it on the counter as i got an idea

i put some in my hand as i smush it in notti's fsce giving him a shocked look before laughing hysterically

he opens his mouth in shock

he grabs a handful before patting it in my face

"oh your so dead" i say chasing him with the flour

dd and ddot laugh as they try and run after us

i finally reach him, as i dump the whole bag onto his head, ouu i knew i was fucked

"bro nailea" he says actually mad

i was just messing around i aint think he would get mad like that, he goes upstairs to change

he finally comes back down walking over to me, i thought he was gonna ignore me but instead he throws me over his shoudler before tickling me

i hate tickles if anything

"okay okay! im sorry notti!" i say trying to get out as i was laughing to much

"yall we needa get back to the cookies" dd says pointing back to the kitchen

notti finally lets me go, and i run off to the kitchen before rolling the dough out as he comes from behing hugging my waist

i smile, me and notti always been close and ive always liked him i was just scared that he wouldnt feel the same way but dd and ddot always tell me he does but i just dont know

we both get the cookie cutters before shaping them out and putting them into the oven


the cookies finally got done and we pull them out

"aight so me and ddot finna try yalls and yall try ours" dd says switching our cookies, i knew he only wanted to have ours because we all knew the were better he just didnt want to admit it

we all take a bite out of them as me and notti look at eachother and burst into laughter

they both look at us

"whats so funny?" they say in union

the cookies were burnt and had no flavor thats whats funny

we both run to the garbage and spit it out

"aight yall me and nai finna head upstairs" he says pulling me with him

"dont do anything nasty!" ddot shouts

we both laugh

heyy yall i wanted to post another one bc i owe yall but anyways i wanted to let yall know that i am working on the 6th chapter in my notti book i just havent been updating it so hopefully ill get it up this weekend🤞

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heyy yall i wanted to post another one bc i owe yall but anyways i wanted to let yall know that i am working on the 6th chapter in my notti book i just havent been updating it so hopefully ill get it up this weekend🤞

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