baby moms | jayklickin |

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tuesday july 24th


"alright so you sure you wanna meet her?" jay asks as i have our 3 year old son in my arms

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"alright so you sure you wanna meet her?" jay asks as i have our 3 year old son in my arms

he was nervous for me to meet his lil hoe that he has

they werent exactly dating he was just messin around with her

me and jay broke up a little over a year after our son malik was born

we both agreed to date other people and introduce eachother to them

and when he told me that they werent dating, and that he didnt know if i would like her i was kind of debating on meeting her or not

i didnt want malik to meet her either if they werent serious

but i finally just decided to agree to it since jay didnt really tell me that they were having problems

and im not gonna lie i do miss jay, but if he didnt feel the same way then it would ruin the co-parenting we have going on right now, and its going good

he was an amazing father to malik and i was so greatful to have him


"yes jay now open the damn door before i change my mind" i say whispering to him since she was on the other side of the door

he opens it, and i see an american girl, she was actually pretty but by the way she talked and acted when she said hello to me, she seemed to be a wannabe black girl you know..

"heyy you must be mia right?" she says smacking her gum in my face

"uh its nia but hi" i say wiping my face since she got a little spit on me, i wasnt gon hold her tho

"mhm whatever" she pushes past me and jay, WHILE I HAD MALIK IN MY ARM

i was ready to run up on her right there

jay held me back as i was about to do so

"nah jay she keep trying me you know whats gon happen aight?" i whisper to him

he nods he head putting me and malik down as we all walk over to her

she was already eating everything in my fridge and shit, like bitch might as well make a mukbang like damn

"yea just help yourself" i mumble as jay takes malik out my hands and lets him down to walk

"so you and jay had sex?" she asks munching on chips

i spit my water out immediately, cause girl you weird for saying that

"well we have a kid so.." i say cleaning the water up

"aight emily chill now" he says as he cleans some of the water too

man why jay always pick the crazy bitches, excpet me ofcoursee

"you know jay always talks to me about you, like all the time" she says giving me a weird look

"uhm well i am the mom of his kid so i dont think its that odd" i say giving her a weird look back

"no you dont understand, he does it everytime were talking, like he misses you?" she points at me

i start laughing a little

jay just looks back and fourth between us

"okay?" i say

"do you like him" she asks

jay quickly gets up

"can we talk about something else now?" he asks putting his hand infront of her

"i agree"

"well just answer the fucking question" she says getting loud

"dont cuss infront of my kid" i say getting loud as well

ouu if she wanna start we can start

she shrugs her shoulders

"he picked the ugliest one" she mutters under her breath, i could hear her tho...

"say it louder" i stand up

she walks over to me

"i said, he picked the ugliest one" she smiles

oh nah

"you gotta problem wit me or sum?" i ask her because if she do she could get checked, fuck i look like

jay rushes over to us breaking us apart from how close we were, he turns over to me whispering to me telling me to calm down

she sees whats happening

she scoffs laughing a little

"what the fuck?"

"what did i say about cussing infront of my kid?" i ask her

"so your just gonna choose her over me?" she says to jay completely ignoring my question

"this my baby moms, ima choose her over you anyday" he says turning to look at her

i smirk, ion care how petty i am

she grabs her keys leaving the house

"man nia im sorry bout her, im done wit her frfr" he says grabbing malik

"its all good j" i say as we walk upstairs and put on a movie

me and jay were cuddling while malik was in the middle of us

no matter how many other bitches jay fw, he always gon come back to me.

so i decided i was gonna post another one just bc the last chapter was ass😂

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so i decided i was gonna post another one just bc the last chapter was ass😂

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