Chapter 13

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*Secrets really don't make friends.*

    The rest of the week went by similarly to Monday. Finley would make sure she hid away the darkness of her personal life so that she could at least somewhat enjoy the wonderful job she had. The Avengers had all tried to make her talk, or even get her to eat or watch TV with them. Finley felt horrible for ignoring them, but she couldn't go against what she had been told. Every night she would come home and would mindlessly decompress from her day. Daniel was always there waiting on her.

She wouldn't speak unless she was spoken to and if he asked her to do something, whatever it was, she did it. She wasn't treated as horribly as she was at the start of the week. There were only a couple of times where she was in a position that she didn't want to be in, like she was in right now.

She had come home a little later than usual. She had gotten caught up in work and didn't realize what time it was. She had successfully found traces of Hydra through the dark net, finding coordinates to what were either weapon exchange locations or bases. She was also slightly delayed because Happy had tried to lock her in the car to get her to talk. Finley desperately knew she had to get out of that car and get home. She didn't want to be punished over the weekend.

After she pleaded with Happy that she just wanted to get home, she hurried away from him. It wasn't that she was scared of Happy. She actually felt safe with him and all the Avengers. It was just that she didn't want to lose the only thing she now looked forward to in her life. Once she made it inside the apartment, she flicked on the light and gasped at the sight before her.

Glass was shattered on the floor, all from mainly within the kitchen. There were a few holes in the walls and the coffee table was turned over. She slowly put down her bags and held her phone tightly in her hand, ready to call for someone to come help her if someone was in her apartment. As she carefully stepped into the kitchen, the chairs were also turned over and one of the chairs legs were torn clean off.

"Daniel? Are you okay?" Her shaky voice called out. She almost slapped herself in the forehead for being so stupid to call out into the apartment.

She slowly pressed her back to the wall by their bedroom door. It was open and the only light on was from Daniel's TV. She prayed that nothing was there, but she was a little worried about Daniel. Gathering the courage, she jumped into the doorway raising her phone like it was a weapon ready to strike. The minute she landed, her eyes caught sight of a still body sitting on the bed.

She was about to scream, pounce, run...something when she fully looked at them.

She let down her guard, standing and dropping her phone to her side. "Daniel?" She slowly tiptoed closer to him, finally catching his gaze staring out the window. Their bedroom wasn't as torn up as the rest of the apartment. The curtains were unruly and the lamp was askew but nothing else looked too messed up. "Daniel, is everything alright? We must've gotten broken into or something... Did you get jumped? Do I need to call the cops? I can call th-,"

"SHUT UP FINLEY!!" Daniel roared, finally turning around to acknowledge that she was in the room. Finley jumped back at the sudden outburst. "No cops!"

"But...Daniel it's ok. Whatever happened I'm sure they can help us ou-," She shrieked as an almost empty whiskey bottle flew towards her head. She luckily dodged it in time as it crashed and shattered into the wall behind her.

"I cops." Daniel was now almost whispering. His jaw was clenching and his teeth were visible. Finley was shaking, slowly trying to back away.

"Ok. No cops." Was all she squeaked out.

He bent down and picked up another bottle of whiskey from beside the bed. Finley hadn't seen it because it was hidden by the bed frame. He twisted the cap and threw it back against his lips, taking multiple long chugs from it. Finley knew that if he had been drinking, she had to be careful. She would just let him talk and tell her what happened.

Touch in the Dark - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now