T h i r t y

436 13 2

Kota's POV

"D-dad?" I whisper. He turns around and crouches down to my eye level. He examines my face.

"Kota~! You're not very hurt, are you?" He pats my head, grabbing my right arm. I wince. He notices this, frowns and turns around. 

"D-douma-san-!" Gyutaro stutters. Who's so big now? "Kota- I mean Kota-san hurt my sister..! I couldn't resist-"

Dad smiles, but I can see shadows now covering his face. "You poisoned Kota~?"

Gyutaro glances over at Daki as if this is a trick question. He turns back and slowly nods.

"Now that can't be acceptable, can it? My poor baby can't die because of your blood demon art~! It's either you fix her or meet your death! The choice is up to you."

I can hear the background fighting noise. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Uzui-san is cutting away Daki's belt infront of us, making them unable to hear our conversation. Just then Inosuke jumps out of a random mansion wearing his mask. He manages to cut Daki's arm before she quickly dodged away. 

"Uah! Onii-chan!!" Daki desperately cries for help. Gyutaro is stuck in between.

"Now now, Gyutaro." Dad says moving closer to the demon who doesn't know what to do. "Don't waste too much of my time~!"

He's practically begging now. "B-but Douma-san, you have to understand- can I just go help my sister out for a moment-?"

Dad sighs and waves him off. "Just for a little while is okay, I guess!"

He dashes off to help Daki.

Dad's eyes turn back to me. "Now dear, do you feel numb?"

I shake my head. I don't feel numb at all. The pain is literally everywhere. 

"That's good. The poison hasn't gotten in too deep in your tissues. I don't know how to heal it. We'll just have to wait for Gyutaro." He bring me into his arms, patting my back gently. I just stand there enjoying this moment with dad.

"I kinda want to add a little bit more drama..." I mutter just loud enough for dad to hear.

He laughs. "Of course! Drama is the only thing keeping me entertained! Go for it, dear! And don't worry. they won't hurt you again."

I grin and dash off, holding my katana in my left hand. My dad is watching. I want to show him how strong I am! I try and not focus on my right arm.

Uzui-san went to deal with Gyutaro, so the trio is left with Daki. I dash through her belts, cutting them with icy breaths. Her belts are soft, but I freeze them with my techniques.

When I get close to her neck, I get ready for the final attack.

Ice breathing, second form;  stalagmites.

I go for her neck and cut it, but her neck is also attached with her belt. I perform a few more breathing techniques to freeze it, then cut it smoothly. 

"Whoa, Kota!" Tanjiro exclaims. "That's wonderful! But... why isn't she dying?"

Zenitsu wakes up from his 'sleep'. He glances around, clueless of what happened. 

Then he spots my dad.

"UAHHHH!!!! UPPERMOON TWO, UPPERMOON TWO!!! I TOLD YOU WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!" He shouts, clinging onto Tanjiro and crying is life out. 

"Uppermoon two?!" Tanjiro turns around and meets his gaze with my dad, who's just standing there with a smile on his face. 

"Why, these kids are very strong!!" He compliments, laughing. Sometimes my dad looks a lot like a little child, and I just want to squeeze the life out of him (hehehehe 😈)

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