• Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Loose ends"

"I let them niggaz know it's on for life" — 2Pac


"Mil!" Shi yells as he walks through the front door of our home, turning on the light in our grand foyer. I could tell by the puzzled expression the he wore that he was confused by my luggage sitting next to the stairs. "What's going on? Why you sittin in the dark? Why you not dressed?"

He was clad in a black Prada suit and matching loafers. I noticed that he had a fresh line up and was carrying a bouquet of roses. Meanwhile I had taken off that dress and I was wearing a two-piece set from Aritzia, sitting on the stairs smoking a blunt and sipping on the bottle of wine me and Shi were saving for our wedding.

"I'm done Shi.."

"What? Speak up Milan. Why are you whispering?"

"I'm done! With you, with this house, this relationship. All of it." I clarify, taking off my engagement ring and setting it down next to me. "I let so much shit slide because I loved you just that much, I'm not doing this with you anymore."

"Wait, hold up! What the fuck just happened? Everything was all good when I left the house this mornin Milan, I can't keep up wit'chu and ya' mood swi—.."

"That was before Jamilah, Jamia or whatever the fuck her name is called me and told me that y'all are fucking! And don't even try to deny it." I throw a pair of his boxers with the initials J.B. written on the inside of the waistband. "She wrote her initials on at least twenty pairs of your boxers! Clearly you were a frequent visitor of hers."

"Milan wait." He pleads, blocking my path as I stood up. "Hear me out, I don't even fuck with that girl no more. I cut her off the second I knew I might lose you—.."

"If you really feared losing me then you wouldn't have done it in the first fucking place! You know, it's really my fault for thinking that you loved me enough to change your fucked up ways." I chuckle, wiping my tears away as they fell down my face.

"Baby I fucked up, I know I did but please don't leave me. I need you, I need you and the kids under the same roof as me, I need this life Mil. Let's work it out, I'll do whatever." Shi pleads, grabbing my hand and kissing it profusely. "Please baby."

After the way me and my sister watched my dad treat my mom when we were coming up, I swore up and down that I would never let a man take me through the mud like that. Damn sure not in front of my kids. Being a mother is and will always be my first priority and in order for me to do that I have to be at my best and I just don't see that happening while I'm still in this relationship.

"Shi, you know I'll do anything for you right?" I sniffle, looking into his somewhat teary eyes. I couldn't even that this nigga serious. He looked like he was trying to force his self to cry.

"Yeah I know that, vice versa too. That's why I want us to work this out."

"Nuh-uh, too much has happened. I wouldn't even look at you the same. You are a great father, I will give you your flowers for that but you are terrible when it comes to relationships. At least when it comes to this one." I tell him. "I want this to be as clean as possible, I don't want anything from you. The house, the cars, everything you ever bought for me you can keep it and you know you can see the kids and get them whenever you want. But as far as me and you, this shit is a wrap."

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