• Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Self centered"

'They say you're extra when they understand what effort is'


"And what Kauner? What?" The look on his face made me cry more. I'm not boohooing or anything but still. He looked disgusted with me.

"This whole thing made me realize that—that I'm not over you.. and I still love you!"

Amir looked at me as if I had grown another head from the side of my neck. Meanwhile I felt like a thousand pounds had been taken off of my shoulders. Saying those words had been pressing on the front of my brain all week.

"A'ight look, I ain't gonna hold you. I really don't need to hear that right now. I got enough on my plate." He tells me, referring to his paralysis. "Where this comin from?  'Cause That lame ass rapper nigga dumped you so now you still in love wit' me all of a sudden?"

"First of all, nobody dumped me so let's be clear! He has nothing to do with what I just said to you." I clarify, high key trying to figure out if I made a mistake by coming here. "I said it because I meant it. Anything else is irrelevant."

"Yeah? Well that's real fuckin selfish of you. It took me damn near losin my life for you to realize you love me? Not when I got locked up? What about when our son died? You wouldn't even pick up the fuckin phone or write me back." He spat. "You know what ya problem is? You want everything when you want it, on your time. Fuck what everybody else got goin on, huh?"

I can't even pretend that I know what he's going through or what he must be feeling but regardless, I don't deserve all of this backlash I'm getting.

"I know my timing isn't great but damn Amir, I came here with pure intentions and for you to throw our Amari's death in my face is fucked up! Try to remember that you're the one who cheated on me and that's the reason why we weren't together, since you wanna go there. You know what— it took a lot for me to come here and tell you that. Clearly it was a mistake."

"Yeah because you the victim right? Spare me, a'ight?" He chuckles sarcastically. "We never shoulda took shit as far as we did anyway, let's just keep it a buck Kauner. I got my own shit that I gotta work out, tryna force this thing between me and you not even on my radar."

"I am the fucking victim Amir! I would've never did to you what you did to me and you know that!" I sniffle, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Yet I'm the problem. Amir I didn't come here for this, aside from getting that off of my chest. I really just wanted to make sure you were okay.."

"Now you know.. I'm good." He says coldly, clearing his throat as the nurse comes in.

It was the same nurse from the front desk, she came in smiling and shit. Fluffing the pillows behind his head. I could tell she just wanted to be nosey.

She was cute though, she looked like one of those Clermont twins. Except she looked like she didn't have all that damn cosmetic surgery.

"Don't mind me y'all." She says, before proceeding to speak to Amir. "You didn't tell me you knew thee Kauner Wright.. it's so nice of you to come and spend some time with him. I just saw his girlfriend on her way out, she practically lives in here with him."

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