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Summary: Carina comforts Maya after a nightmare, also leading them to have an important conversation


Carina feels the bedsheets shuffle an unusual amount within five minutes. While Maya seems to move around in her sleep quite often, this was almost too much.

She had just gotten off a twenty four hour shift not even two hours ago and when she walked into the apartment, Carina noticed that the lights were turned off.

Heading into their bedroom, she saw Maya fast asleep, which wasn't very strange since, she too, just came off of a really long shift.

And according to her, it was not a very good one.

Carina received a text during the middle of her day at work from Vic explaining that Maya had a run in with her dad.

When she tried to message her wife to ask her if she was okay, Carina got no answer in return.

Lane has been showing up at Maya's work sporadically over the last two years and it wasn't too often, so just when they think that they won't have to worry about him returning, he shows up again.

Carina's seen the effect it has on Maya. Usually, the days following, she will either spend them in bed, or pushing herself so much that it's almost extreme. Meaning, going on incredibly long runs, among other things.

So coming home from work and seeing Maya asleep in bed, isn't out of the norm. Maybe now is the time to finally convince Maya to take legal action.

Normally, Carina would ignore the constant moving of the bedsheets, but when she hears a soft cry coming from the woman next to her, she immediately sits up.

Squinting to allow her tired eyes to take in the shadowed scene in front of her, Carina can see Maya's body shaking while she cries, most likely in the midst of a nightmare.

"Wake up bambina," Carina whispers, rubbing Maya's shoulder. Seeing that the action does little to wake her up, she tries again.

"Come on. You're having a nightmare. Wake up, Maya," she repeats a little louder, keeping up with the soft, but urgent, shake to her side.

The cries stop.

Maya's breath goes shallow for a second, before she forcibly sits up with a gasp. Her eyes are darting all around the room, not focusing on a single point and she's breathing fast. Her hands subconsciously go up to her neck, almost clawing to get some good air into her lungs.

Carina quickly takes her hands into her own, squeezing to wordlessly get her attention. "Breathe with me. Come on. Take a deep breath," she softly orders.

Maya follows her instructions, managing to keep up with her wife's breathing exercise with only a few gasps along the way.

"Good," Carina whispers with a nod once Maya has calmed down. Although, you wouldn't be able to tell much. Her breathing is much better, but her whole body is still shaking uncontrollably.

"Sorry," Maya mumbles and Carina shakes her head. "Hey, none of that. Do you want to talk about it?"

"It was about my dad," Maya says, but doesn't add any further explanation and Carina doesn't push for any more information.

Noticing that her wife's body is hot and sweaty from the nightmare, an idea pops into her head. "Do you want to take a bath and cool down?"

A shudder flows through Maya's body and she seems to go quieter than she already is, but gives Carina a nod anyway.

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