Pick up the Pieces

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Summary: Carina relives a traumatic event from when she was younger. Luckily Maya is there to help pick up the pieces.

A/N: This story very loosely follows the hot chocolate prompt for Marina Winter Cheers.

TW: This story mostly contains the discussion of rape and sexual assault. This could be very triggering, so please don't read it if that's what's best for you. No hurt feelings here.


Resting by the fireplace, orange flames being the main source of heat with the breezy January winter right outside the apartment windows, serving as a reminder of how cold it actually is.

But none of that mattered.

All lights were off and the only way they could see each other's faces was supplied by the fire.

It was a long day at work for the both of them, Maya spending most of her twelve hour shift putting out many house fires, whereas Carina's day was too terrible to recount.

Carina was already home by the time Maya entered through the front door. Maya had found her sat on the couch reading, a sight that isn't unusual after a day at the hospital, Carina using reading as a way to unwind.

But something was different, and Maya quickly picked up on it.

Carina was quiet during dinner, which was normally not the case. Meals at the dinner table were often spent with lots of talking, mostly about their days and other topics that popped into their minds.

However, Carina pushed around the leftover spaghetti on her plate, Maya watching silently as her simple questions barely got answered.

On the many attempts to find out what was wrong, Carina assured her that everything was fine and that she was just tired, but Maya knows her better than that.

Carina's cuddly and loving when she's tired, but tonight she was distant and closed off in a way that Maya's only seen a couple of times before.

Maya suggested hot chocolate by the fireplace to which Carina accepted. The brunette set up blankets to cushion the floor while Maya made the drinks.

Joining Carina on the floor, Maya handed her the coral pink mug, Carina taking it with a small smile, one that Maya will take as a win, having not seen a glimpse of a smile all night.

"Grazie," she whispers, bringing the warm liquid to her mouth, singing at the instant relief the heat brings to her stressed body.

"Prego," Maya replies, her use of Italian not going unnoticed by Carina.

The silence of the room is deafening, the only noise being heard is from the crackling of the fire.

Carina avoids most eye contact as she looks around the room, trying to find something to focus on instead of the memory circling around her brain.

Maya brings her hand to Carina's wrist, lightly placing her palm against warm skin, only to have Carina quickly pull away, Maya frowning in confusion.

"Carina, what's going on?" Maya asks softly, nerves floating around her stomach like butterflies, except it's not for a good reason.

Carina sighs, rubbing the stress from her forehead as she tries to process everything in her head. She's been caught and she knows it.

"It was a long day," Carina answers quietly to avoid the possibility of her voice breaking as tears well up in her eyes that she just can't blink away.

Maya looks at her with her gentle blue eyes, searching for something and Carina wants to cower.

"What happened?" Maya asks calmly, knowing that no matter how hard Carina's days get, she usually comes home feeling lighter.

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