Chapter 1: Future of Disdain

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It was chaos, Black and Zamasu had the future on lock, the blue haired legend known as Goku, and his ally, the Sayain Prince, Vegeta, were being obliterated by the pair.
"Kakarot, it's becoming apparent that we cannot simply beat these two with brute force, we need a plan."
"Vegeta, what have I told you about big words?"
"Kakarot you dumbass, we need strategy."
"Still not getting it, Vegeta."
"We don't punch-punch anymore, we go think-think."
"OH! That's what you mean!"
"Are you two done yet?"
"Black!" The Sayain duo said in sync.
"Obviously it's me, I've come to terms with the fact that mortals are stupid, but would they much rather leave their fate in the hands of a pair of bumbling idiots over accepting the sweet release of death?"
"Agreed." The Kai in training spoke as he walked into battle, emitting pure confidence with every stride.
"Honestly, I can't understand your obsession with omnipotence Zamasu."
"Vegeta, I still don't know what that means."
"ALL OF YOUR ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS. Honestly, how have I even lost to you Kakarot?"
"Oh that's sim-"
"Bickering at a time like this?"
"Agreed, truly disgraceful, and in the presence of a god as well."
"I think it would be optimal if we fused Zamasu."
"I would agree Black."
The duo of villains donned a pair of sinister looking lime colored earrings.

"Now, witness the true transformation of a god."
A blinding light erupted from the two earrings, and when the flash of brilliance was over, a new being stood within the rubble.
"This is the true power of a god. You pathetic mortals have no hope against me."
"Kakarot I hate to admit it but we can't take him."
"Vegeta, I have a plan."
"If it involves retreating to Gowasu to fuse then it's an absolute NO."
"No, I thought we should fuse right here."
"With the fusion dance?"
"No supreme Kai gave me a pair of potara."
"C'mon Vegeta, it's the only way.'
"If you two are done bickering, it's time to face my wrath."
"Vegeta we gotta do this now!"
"Ugh fine, but another word outta you and I'm calling this off."
Goku tossed Vegeta a lime colored earring, and applied one to his right ear. Vegeta struggled to put it on in time, but managed to hang it on his left. A blazing blue flash erupted from the destroyed city, and out jumped a new being.
"Hey, it's me Vegito, wanna hear a rhyme I made?"
"Why? That sounds stupid."
"You're no fun. Oh well here goes I'm Vegito, I'm stronger than you, here's something new, this is... VEGITO BLUE!"
Vegito's brown hair spiked to life in an inferno of blue.
"You dare defy a god? I will eradicate every particle of your being."
Vegito dashed towards the merged Black and Zamasu, but the two tried to distance themselves from him. In a flash of red pulses, the terrifying team stopped Vegito's progression. But Vegito wasn't one to give up. In a burst of key blasts covering a feint, Vegito made a jump toward, and hit Zamasu directly, landing a clean blow to the chest.
"Man, you aren't very strong either. Are you sure you're a god?"
"Such insolence. You shall pay dearly for this mockery"
"Nah not in the mood." Vegito shouted as he rushed the self proclaimed god.
Zamasu and black tried their hardest to avoid the blue haired legend, but the attacks came too fast. Vegito's strategy was to overwhelm the ranged warlord, and it was working well. Zamasu attempted to guard as well as he could, but he was unable to withstand the entourage of blows. One after another, hits landed as the god attempted to win by belittling Vegito. Unfortunately for Zamasu, the blue fusion had enough of an ego to avoid these failed insults. After every hit Zamasu recovered, however Vegito wasn't ready to give up on the fight just yet.
"Can't you see? Any damage you inflict upon me does nothing. I heal too fast for it."
Vegito did a couple back flips, and struck a power pose.
"Take a good long look. This is the true power of Vegito, FINAL-KAMEHAMEHA!" Vegito Shouted firing a golden blue beam from his hands.
When the dust settled, everything had settled, and Zamasu was gone. At least for now.

"Black, Black, Can you hear me Black?"
"Huh, Zamasu where are we?"
The villain pair were isolated inside a pulsating world. Nothing existed, and yet they existed.
"Black thank you."
"For what? We haven't won."
"No but that doesn't matter anymore. It's always been about exacting justice, but right now I know what true justice is."
"What do you mean?"
"True justice isn't built upon who's right and who's wrong, true justice is a treasure given to the victor of a battle."
"Zamasu I don't understand what you mean."
"Black in another world would you perhaps call me a friend?"
"Of course, you and I are the same in our thinking, and our sense of justice."
"Thank you."
"Why would you need to know something like that?"
"Black, in a few seconds this reality we are in will cease to exist. But in a last desperate attempt to continue our dream, I will send you into another world, so then you can let true justice shine through."
"Zamasu, stop. What are you doing?"
Zamasu erected a glowing portal beneath Blacks feet.
"Sorry Black, I can't come with. This is where I meet my end. So from now on, all my hopes are on you."
"Zamasu no!"
Black reached out but to no avail. After all, it's impossible to grasp onto something that doesn't exist. And with the golden hue found within the ring, encompassing light slowly consumed Black's corporeal body.
And so thus begins the tale of Black and his journey of justice.

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